A React and Tailwind based Chat Room app Web application, where users can connect to room and send messages
A broadcast room based chat application running with SocketIO(Backend) and React(Frontend)
- Runs with Socket-IO, https://socket.io/ Server side
- Express, http://expressjs.com/
- CORS, https://socket.io/docs/v4/handling-cors/
. npm install socket.io express nodemon cors
-Runs with socket-client, React
. npm install socket.io-client nanoid react-scroll-to-bottom react-router-dom
- download the nodejs from [https://nodejs.org/en/]
- npx create-react-app my-app
- cd my-app
- npm start (This will open in http://localhost:3000 showing the contents of src/App.js)
- delete the folder src and create your own website
- src/index.js (JS file)
- src/index.css (CSS file)