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jswigart edited this page Apr 16, 2018 · 1 revision

Omni-bot commands

Now that you have access to the command console in the game, and you are running a listen server, and assuming the Omni-bot libraries are configured properly to be loaded by the game you are playing, it's time to execute some bot commands. Bot commands range from administrative functionality, such as changing the minimum or maximum bot count, to developer commands that are used by way-pointers and/or script authors to create data for the bots in order to play a map properly.


All Omni-bot commands are executed with the word bot as the first element of the command. This is because bot is the actual command, as far as the game engine is concerned, and the rest of the arguments that come after are forwarded through to the Omni-bot library for handling.

Some of the commands are defined within the compiled code of the Omni-bot dll, while some are defined from script files. New commands can be added via scripts in order to extend functionality or provide shortcuts to commonly used functionality.

Command What does it do?
bot help Prints a list of commands currently registered with the bot
bot maxbots <#> Sets a maximum bot count that will try to be maintained
bot minbots <#> Sets a minimum bot count that will try to be maintained
bot ab <numbots> Add Bots, add a given number of bots
bot balanceteams Sets bot balance teams on/off. When enabled, bots will change teams to keep them balanced.
bot showscriptgoals Print a list of scripts goals
bot testbot Adds a bot to the game named testbot that can be ordered around