jalc is short for jsycdut's arch linux configuration
These are my dotfiles, including bash vim tmux
and some other config files, they are orgnized in diffrent level of folders. If you wanna more details on specific topic, follow the links mentioned below.
[corona@cas github]$ tree -aL 2 jalc
├── .bashrc
├── .config
│ ├── aliases # command alias
│ ├── colorscheme # gruvbox colorscheme for iterm2
│ ├── envs # system environment variables
│ ├── misc # miscellaneous items
│ ├── nvim # nvim config files
│ ├── ranger # ranger, a command line file manager
│ ├── tmux # tmux config files
│ └── wall.png # wallpaper
├── deploy.sh # it copys all these config files to your $HOME
├── .local # some scripts I use
│ ├── abs
│ ├── bin
│ └── tools
├── README-CN.md
├── README.md
└── .Xmodmap # keycode remapping
How to use?
Follow the constructions below and you will get all the config files ready, if you take a glance at the deploy.sh
and some other readme files, you will know how these files work.
$ git clone https://github.com/jsycdut/jalc
$ cd jalc
$ bash deploy.sh
I use arch linux as my daily driver, and here are softwares I use.
- arch linux A lightweight and flexible Linux® distribution that tries to Keep It Simple
- dwm dynamic windows manager
- st simple terminal
- tmux terminal multiplexer
- ranger A VIM-inspired filemanager for the console
- neovim hyperextensible Vim-based text editor
- chromium brave browsers
- zathura a document viewer
- sxiv simple X image viewer
- mpv a media player
- jetbrains-all developer tools
- NetworkManager Network Manager
- xbacklight laptop screen backlight adjustment
The desktop of my arch linux, it has dwm installed as it's window manager, and use Luke Smith's Simple Terminal. Tmux is the real friend of terminal users like me, it helps me out of bunch of messy windows and saves me a lot of time, see tmux configuration explaintion here
I prefer neovim to vim, but the config files may work with vim8+ (I didn't try it). See my neovim configuration explaintion here for more details.
Oh, yes, I use emacs too, see my emacs configuration here
Feel free to open issues if you have any puzzles.