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###IntelliJ IDEA set up for work with functional tests

  1. Make sure that you have installed JDK, Maven and GIT and set all environment variables for these tools
  2. Download IntelliJ IDEA (choose Community Edition FREE)
  3. Clone repository for functional tests via Git or IntelliJ IDEA.
  4. Open file pom.xml with IntelliJ IDEA
  5. Open menu File - Project Structure. Select Project item and under Project SDK select JDK. Choose folder where you installed JDK.
  6. Add Maven to your IntelliJ IDEA: go to File - Settings - Maven. Select checkbox Override at the Maven home directory item. Paste path to Maven folder in textbox.
  7. Go to menu Run - Edit Configuration. Add new configuration for type "TestNG". Fill Name and Suite fields with path to testng.xml, i.e. %path_to_project%/functional-tests-jcommune/src/test/resources/testng.xml. Fill "Working directory" field with %path_to_project%. Set "Use classpath of module" to maven module name (functional-tests-jcommune) Press "Ok".

####Running with Local Selenium Server If you'd like to use your local browser to run tests, download selenium server, unzip it and run as java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.44.0.jar. It will start on http://localhost:4444/wd/console. Now in IntelliJ you have to specify env vars: Edit Configuration -> Environment Variables:

  • SELENIUM_VERSION - your browser version (e.g. 35.0.1)
  • SELENIUM_BROWSER - your browser name (firefox)
  • SELENIUM_URL - http://localhost:4444/wd/hub

In your testng.xml file you should also set:

<parameter name="webDriverUrl" value="http://localhost:4444/wd/hub"/>

###Functional Tests Best Practices

  • Do not use XPath if possible, use IDs or CSS. XPaths depend on all the elements in the hierarchy of HTML. If you need to find a link and you're doing something like this //tbody/tr/td/a[contains(@href,'branches')] you'll get in trouble when at least one of the elements tbody, tr, td, a changes. The less elements to be changed, the better. Moreover XPath usually is a bit complicated.