- Install Virtualbox and Vagrant compatible versions (Virtualbox 4.1.36, Vagrant 1.4.3)
- Install Vagrant
apt-get install vagrant
- Clone repository
cd jtalks-infra
- Install ruby
apt-get install build-essential autoconf ruby1.9.3 ruby-bundler
(or just bundler, search in repository) - Install depends
bundle install
- add content from private repository (jtalks-infra-files) to files/.
- replace dummy backups of databases
- Run
kitchen converge
to startup a VM with the cookbooks and kitchen verify to run the integration tests.
- install Ruby
apt-get install build-essential autoconf ruby1.9.3 ruby-bundler
- install chef https://www.chef.io/download-chef-client/ (v. 12.0.3)
- create solo.rb (config file)
log_level :info log_location STDOUT file_cache_path "/var/chef/cache" file_backup_path "/var/chef/backup" cookbook_path "/var/chef/cookbooks" checksum_path "/var/chef/checksums" sandbox_path "var/chef/tmp"
- actualize directory of project (from private git repository and from previosly server)
- copy all files of project to target server
- install dependencies (gems: Berkshelf, etc)
cd <directory of project files>; bundle install
- install cookbook (from directory of project files)
rm -Rf /var/chef/cookbooks; berks vendor /var/chef/cookbooks
- check attributes and recipes in server.json
- run chef
chef-solo -j /var/chef/cookbooks/jtalks-infra/files/default/attributes/server.json
- additional actions
- check pernissions to git, github
- if sonar have new version, need upgrade DB => :/setup
- check Application Links to applications (Atlassian)
- check plugins to applications (Atlassian)
- copy jira-home/plugins/installed-plugins to new server
- open Jira on web browser. And do reindex (System - Advanced - Indexing)
- open confluence on web browser. And do reindex (General Configuration - Content Indexing)
- move git repositories
- need update parameter buildnumber (Confluence) in jtalks-infra-files, if needed (current version in file /home/confluence/var/confluence.cfg.xml)
- if after update confluence not started with errors of license -> http://wiki.jtalks.org/fixonly/fixlicense.action
- Add TXT items for DNS. For every domain generates mail.txt with parameters to items (see /home/opendkim/keys/*/mail.txt)