Continuation of work on the Outbound Funds Module
Help us give you the thanks you deserve! Please ensure that all contributing members of the team are included!
- Team Leader(s): Shari Carlson, Nick LIndberg
- GitHub Scribe(s):
- List of all Contributors:
- Junette Tan
- David Chater
- Corey Snow
- Myke Andrews
- Lara Kimberly
- Libby Ziemelis
- Caroline Renard
- Nicole Smith
- Tammy Silverthorne
- Cheri Lovell
- Maida Rider <.li>Cid
- non-NPSP fund extension (continued from last sprint)
- reporting workbook (continued from last sprint)
- data dictionary work and storytelling for the whys for certain fields
- exploring rollups for lookup relationships
- (and other ideas people bring with them to the sprint)
- Reporting Workbook
- Data Dictionary
- Upgrade Guide Confirmed upgrade guide steps work. Will transfer to Salesforce to review and update
- Topics to Discuss:
- Rollups
- Directly relate inbound GAU allocation to outbound GAU disbursment and/or funding request - not just the GAU category, but the specific inbound funds
- Customize fields displayed on Create Disbursement popup
- OFM to PMM connection
- List email that can pull in Funding Request Fields
- Multi-currency
- Discuss/Add topics not dicussed as Issues to be addressed at future sprints
Reviewed the following items on the issues list from (click on links to view discussion notes)
We will continue to work on the issues and enhancements in our GitHub. Please reach out if you want to learn more or contribute.
See Outbound Funds repo for additional info: