Exports the list of games you've purchased on humblebundle.com
Install via chrome app store https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/export-humblebundle-libra/pkkkphehloknahihekpiaemeaajpbflm
Steps to use:
- Install this extension
- Go to https://www.humblebundle.com/home/keys (need to be logged in at humblebundle.com)
- Click on the
Export Humble Bundle as JSON
button above your list of games.
You should now have a file Humble_Bundle_Games.json
saved through chrome as a local file on you pc.
If not, press F12, select and copy errors there from Console and paste them in a new issue at https://github.com/jtara1/ExportHumbleBundleLibrary/issues or report issue via feedback through chrome web store.
sample output: https://pastebin.com/X7jk9buh
"name": "LiEat",
"redemption-platform": "Steam",
"bundle-name": "Humble Staff Picks Bundle: Scribble"
"name": "Punch Club",
"redemption-platform": "Steam",
"bundle-name": "Humble Staff Picks Bundle: Scribble"
"name": "Tempest: Pirate Action RPG",
"redemption-platform": "Steam",
"bundle-name": "Humble Staff Picks Bundle: Scribble"
"name": "25% Off Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire",
"redemption-platform": "Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire coupon",
"bundle-name": "Yogscast Jingle Jam 2017"