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An implementation of a Telegram Bot with the following capabilities:

  • Sends gifs/images through a google search.
  • Sends random Reddit submissions from provided subreddits.
  • University
    • Sends the location of a course before it starts.
  • Is capable of sending austrian news.
  • Performs youtube searches and sends a link to the best match.
  • Contains various yes/no answers to help decision making.
  • Sends various quote images.
  • Sends austrian traffic information.
  • Sends various comics.
  • Checks daily for new XKCD comics and sends them if there are some.
  • Sends the daily menue of good restaurants in Hagenberg.
  • Can invite colleagues for coffee at multiple locations.
  • Can show a a variety of weather information for the selected region:
    • Rain radar
    • Storm tracking
    • Wind gusts and average
    • forecasts for a specific location
  • Can translate a given sentence into various languages.
  • Offers a voice game functionality where quotes with bad pronunciation have to be guessed.
  • Sends urban dictionary entries
  • Sends stocks/finance charts

Possible Extensions

  • Join invite for coffee
  • NLG conversation with bot
  • forecast selectable model

Contribution Guide

New functionality is added inside the modules-folder. Each class has to inherit the abstract Base-Module and has to be registered with the @register_module() decorator.
Inside a registered class, the following bot-functionality may be added:

  • General Command - Triggered when the command is sent inside the chat.
  • Daily Command - Runs daily as a job at a specific time.
  • Callback-Query-Handler - To interact with dynamic user inputs.

The functions built up on the python-telegram-bot API wrapper. Refer to their documentation for further implementation details on how to interact with the bot.

Local Setup

To run/test functionality on your local machine, you need to create an own telegram bot. Afterwards the api-keys have to be added into a api-keys.json file, which must be created at the project root.
The following structure is necessary to get modules with api-key-need to run:

  "telegram": "your_telegram_bot_token",
  "youtube": "your_api_key",
  "ics-file-link": "calendar_ics_file",
  "reddit-client-id": "xxxx",
  "reddit-client-secret": "xxxx",
  "mittag_client_id": "xxxx",
  "mittag_client_secret": "xxxx",
  "spoon": "spoonacular_key",
  "rapid_urban_dict_secret": "rapid_urban_dict_api_key",
  "google_key": "xxxx",
  "google_cx": "xxxx"

Implement a general Command

A general command is implemented inside a module by decorating it with @register_command. Usages and short/long descriptions have to be specified - they will show up when calling the bot's /help command. The @send_actiondecorater defines the action, that is displayed in telegram, while the command is executed.
The following code snippet shows the registration implementation of a command that sends a cat gif and will be callable by using the /cat command:

from modules.abstract_module import AbstractModule
from utils.decorators import register_command, register_module, send_action
from telegram import Update, ChatAction
from telegram.ext import CallbackContext

# register the class as module
class CatBot(AbstractModule):
    @register_command(command="cat", short_desc="Sends a cat gif. 😺",
                      long_desc="A cat-gif from [Cat as a service]( is sent.",
    def cat_command(self, update: Update, context: CallbackContext):
        chat_id = update.message.chat_id
        # send the reply, animation="")

Implement a Daily Job

To implement a daily job, the @run_daily decorator can be used. The decorated function will be called every day on the specified time. Keep in mind: the used time-zone is UTC.
By using the /start or /stop command, chats may subscribe/unsubscribe to this specified job. Job identification is based on the specified "name"-paramter.

The following code-snipped sends a comic every day into subscribed chats:

import datetime
from modules.abstract_module import AbstractModule
from utils.decorators import run_daily, register_module
from telegram.ext import CallbackContext

# register the class as module
class ComicBot(AbstractModule):
    @run_daily(name="daily_comic", time=datetime.time(hour=14 - 1, minute=29, second=10))
    def send_new_comic(self, context: CallbackContext, chat_id: str):
        comic_url = get_new_comic_url(), photo=comic_url,
                                   caption="New Comic")

Used APIs

  • Youtube API
  • Reddit API
  • Inspirobot API
  • cataas - Cat as a Service
  • RSS Service from
  • RSS Service from ÖAMTC
  • API
  • Urban Dictionary API
  • Kachelmann-Wetter Storm/Rain/Wind - Tracking
  • Google translate API
  • Google Custom Search API
  • Yahoo Finance API

Dependencies (see requirements.txt)

  • python-telegram-bot
  • requests
  • beautifulsoup4
  • google-api-python-client
  • ics
  • PRAW
  • schedule
  • Selenium
  • googletrans
  • feedparser
  • gTTS
  • lxml