- IDE Eclipse Photon Release (4.8.0)
- Tomcat 9 as Server
- jdk version 1.8.0_171
- Donwload Tomcat and Unzip tomcat zip file.
To test de code:
Set up the Apache Server to use it from Eclipse: take a look at these tutos tomcat1, tomcat2.
Clone/download this repository.
Open Eclipse and import as Maven Project the 2 projects in the repository folder.
The project FrontFileUploader is the frontend that displays the HTML to choose a file in the file system and upload to the rest endpoint.
The project LabSecFileUploaderService is the backend (REST service) responsible to compute the SHA-256 hash of submited files and return a string encoded using base64 encoding of this hash.
Run maven install in the 2 projects (Select a project in the tree explorer, rigth click got to "Run As >> Maven Install"). In the eclipse console shoul appear a message showing that the build process was executed succesfully.
[INFO] ---------------------------------------- [INFO] BUILD SUCCESS [INFO] ---------------------------------------- [INFO] Total time: 3.614 s [INFO] Finished at: 2018-07-11T23:25:47-03:00 [INFO] ----------------------------------------
Deploy the to projects to the Server
Start the server and navigate to http://localhost:8080/FrontFileUploader/ choose a file and upload it.