This is a client rpc to work with a protocol amqp and a message brokers RabbitMQ
You only need to do is:
Create a interfaceRpc like this:
module.exports = () => ({
/* foo({ notMarried, name, age }): Promise<number> */
foo({ notMarried, name, age }) {
return Promise.resolve({ response: { name, notMarried, age } });
/* bar(number): Promise<number> */
bar({ string }) {
return Promise.resolve({ response: string.toUpperCase() });
boo({ number }) {
return Promise.resolve({ response: number * 2 });
- Comments above the functions are returned to gethandlers() function. Functions that not have comments goin returned your implementation inside the interfaceRpc
And call the function startConsumer(host, queueName, interfaceRpc), passing the host of message broker, the queue name and the interfaceRpc
const host = 'amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672'
const queueName = 'test_queue'
startConsumer(host, queueName, interfaceRpc).then((e) => {
You only need call the function connectionProducer(host, queueName). The function getHandlers() is default and return all functions availables on Server or Consumer
const host = 'amqp://localhost:5672';
const queueName = 'test_queue';
const connection = await connectionProducer(host, queueName);
const handlers = await Handler.getHandlers();
To call any function available, make like this = async num => { }; = async str => { };
const target = 'foo';
const getFoo = await Handler[target]({ notMarried: true, age: 22, name: 'balde' }, { return: 'String' });
To close connection
View the /examples to understand a little more the functionality