A framework to implement serverless framework config file with ease and standarized resources.
npm install sls-helper
// serverless.js
const { helper } = require('sls-helper');
module.exports = helper({
hooks: [
['bucket', {
resourceName: 'ServiceBucket',
name: 'my-bucket'
In order to implement a plugin for the framework, you must publish a package with the following pattern: sls-helper-plugin-{plugin-name}
The plugin-name
must then be used as a prefix to use a helper of that plugin, for example: plugin-name.helperName
The package must export an object mapping helper names to helper implementations.
Each helper is a function that receives the following arguments:
: The current service config objecthelperParams
: The (optional) configuration for the helper.
It also has to return the new service config object.
Plugin list:
Used to implement a bucket with blocked public access
Option | Type | Description | Attributes | Default value |
resourceName | string | The logical name of the bucket | Required | |
name | string | The bucket name | Required | |
acl | string | The bucket acl | Private | |
cors | boolean | object | array | The bucket CORS configuration. If set to true , default configuration is set (every origin, every header) |
cors.id, cors[].id | string | The CORS rule ID | ||
cors.origin, cors[].origin | array | string | boolean | The CORS rule origin(s) (if value is true , it's set as every origin) |
cors.methods, cors[].methods | array | string | The CORS rule method(s) | ||
cors.headers, cors[].headers | array | string | The CORS rule headers(s) | ||
cors.exposedHeaders, cors[].exposedHeaders | array | string | The CORS rule exposed headers(s) | ||
cors.maxAge, cors[].maxAge | number | The CORS rule max age | ||
tags | object | A key-value object of tags to associate to the bucket | ||
rawProps | object | Extra raw properties | See the official documentation |
const { helper } = require('sls-helper');
module.exports = helper({
hooks: [
['bucket', {
resourceName: 'ServiceBucket',
name: 'my-bucket'
(since 1.2.0)
Used to implement an IAM Role statement for your service
Option | Type | Description | Attributes | Default value |
effect | string | The IAM statement effect | Enum('Allow', 'Deny') | 'Allow' |
action | string | array<string> | The IAM statement action | Required | |
resource | string | array<string> | The IAM statement resource | Required |
const { helper } = require('sls-helper');
module.exports = helper({
hooks: [
['iamStatement', {
action: [
resource: 'arn:aws:s3:::my-bucket/*'
Used to implement Lambda Proxy APIs
Option | Type | Description | Attributes | Default value |
functionName | string | The function name | Required | |
handler | string | The function handler | Required | |
description | string | The function description | ||
path | string | The API path | Required | |
method | string | The API HTTP method | Required | |
useApiKey | boolean | Whether the API requires API key or not | false | |
queryParameters | object | A key value to map query string parameters to a boolean indicating if it's required or not | ||
requestHeaders | object | A key value to map headers to a boolean indicating if it's required or not | ||
authorizer | string | The authorizer config | See the official documentation | |
cors | object | boolean | See the official documentation | ||
async | boolean | Whether the API will execute as an async lambda or not | false |
const { helper } = require('sls-helper');
module.exports = helper({
hooks: [
['apiLambdaProxy', {
functionName: 'MyFunctionName',
handler: 'path/to/my.handler',
path: '/hello-world',
method: 'get'
(since 1.1.0)
Used to implement Lambda Functions
Option | Type | Description | Attributes | Default value |
functionName | string | The function name | Required | |
handler | string | The function handler | Required | |
description | string | The function description | ||
events | array[object] | The function events | ||
layers | array[object] | An array of function-level layers. This will override any provider-level layers (since 1.14.0) | ||
addLayers | array[object] | An array of function-level layers. This will be appended to any provider-level layers (since 1.14.0) | ||
timeout | number | The function timeout | ||
memorySize | number | The function memorySize in MB (since 1.10.0) | ||
reservedConcurrency | number | Reserved concurrency limit for the function. By default, AWS uses account concurrency limit (since 1.11.0) | ||
package.include | array[string] | The List of paths of files to include | ||
url | boolean | Set as true to create a Lambda URL resource |
false | |
rawProperties | object | Raw properties to be setup in the function configuration object |
const { helper } = require('sls-helper');
module.exports = helper({
hooks: [
['function', {
functionName: 'MyFunctionName',
handler: 'path/to/my.handler',
events: [
schedule: 'rate(1 hour)',
s3: {
bucket: 'myBucket',
event: 's3:ObjectCreated:*',
rules: [
{ prefix: 'somePrefix' },
{ suffix: 'someSuffix' }
url: true,
rawProperties: {
rawProperties: 1
(since 1.3.0)
Used to implement environment variables
Configuration options are the environment variables key-value object
const { helper } = require('sls-helper');
module.exports = helper({
hooks: [
['envVars', {
MY_VAR: 'and the value',
SOME_OTHER_VAR: 'and some other value'
(since 1.8.0)
Used to implement custom resources
Option | Type | Description | Attributes | Default value |
name | string | The resource logical name | Required | |
resource | object | The resource configuration object for Cloudformation | Required |
const { helper } = require('sls-helper');
module.exports = helper({
hooks: [
['resource', {
name: 'MyQueue',
resource: {
Type: 'AWS::SQS::Queue',
Properties: {
QueueName: 'my-super-queue'