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A helper framework to write your serverless application configuration file

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Serverless Helper

A framework to implement serverless framework config file with ease and standarized resources.


npm install sls-helper


// serverless.js

const { helper } = require('sls-helper');

module.exports = helper({
	hooks: [

		['bucket', {
			resourceName: 'ServiceBucket',
			name: 'my-bucket'



In order to implement a plugin for the framework, you must publish a package with the following pattern: sls-helper-plugin-{plugin-name}.

The plugin-name must then be used as a prefix to use a helper of that plugin, for example: plugin-name.helperName

The package must export an object mapping helper names to helper implementations.

Each helper is a function that receives the following arguments:

  • serviceConfig: The current service config object
  • helperParams: The (optional) configuration for the helper.

It also has to return the new service config object.

Plugin list:

Core Helpers

S3 Bucket (bucket)

Used to implement a bucket with blocked public access

Option Type Description Attributes Default value
resourceName string The logical name of the bucket Required
name string The bucket name Required
acl string The bucket acl Private
cors boolean | object | array The bucket CORS configuration. If set to true, default configuration is set (every origin, every header), cors[].id string The CORS rule ID
cors.origin, cors[].origin array | string | boolean The CORS rule origin(s) (if value is true, it's set as every origin)
cors.methods, cors[].methods array | string The CORS rule method(s)
cors.headers, cors[].headers array | string The CORS rule headers(s)
cors.exposedHeaders, cors[].exposedHeaders array | string The CORS rule exposed headers(s)
cors.maxAge, cors[].maxAge number The CORS rule max age
tags object A key-value object of tags to associate to the bucket
rawProps object Extra raw properties See the official documentation


const { helper } = require('sls-helper');

module.exports = helper({
	hooks: [
		['bucket', {
			resourceName: 'ServiceBucket',
			name: 'my-bucket'

IAM Role Statement (iamStatement)

(since 1.2.0)

Used to implement an IAM Role statement for your service

Option Type Description Attributes Default value
effect string The IAM statement effect Enum('Allow', 'Deny') 'Allow'
action string | array<string> The IAM statement action Required
resource string | array<string> The IAM statement resource Required


const { helper } = require('sls-helper');

module.exports = helper({
	hooks: [
		['iamStatement', {
			action: [
			resource: 'arn:aws:s3:::my-bucket/*'

API Lambda Proxy (apiLambdaProxy)

Used to implement Lambda Proxy APIs

Option Type Description Attributes Default value
functionName string The function name Required
handler string The function handler Required
description string The function description
path string The API path Required
method string The API HTTP method Required
useApiKey boolean Whether the API requires API key or not false
queryParameters object A key value to map query string parameters to a boolean indicating if it's required or not
requestHeaders object A key value to map headers to a boolean indicating if it's required or not
authorizer string The authorizer config See the official documentation
cors object | boolean See the official documentation
async boolean Whether the API will execute as an async lambda or not false


const { helper } = require('sls-helper');

module.exports = helper({
	hooks: [
		['apiLambdaProxy', {
			functionName: 'MyFunctionName',
			handler: 'path/to/my.handler',
			path: '/hello-world',
			method: 'get'

Lambda Function (function)

(since 1.1.0)

Used to implement Lambda Functions

Option Type Description Attributes Default value
functionName string The function name Required
handler string The function handler Required
description string The function description
events array[object] The function events
layers array[object] An array of function-level layers. This will override any provider-level layers (since 1.14.0)
addLayers array[object] An array of function-level layers. This will be appended to any provider-level layers (since 1.14.0)
timeout number The function timeout
memorySize number The function memorySize in MB (since 1.10.0)
reservedConcurrency number Reserved concurrency limit for the function. By default, AWS uses account concurrency limit (since 1.11.0)
package.include array[string] The List of paths of files to include
url boolean Set as true to create a Lambda URL resource false
rawProperties object Raw properties to be setup in the function configuration object


const { helper } = require('sls-helper');

module.exports = helper({
	hooks: [
		['function', {
			functionName: 'MyFunctionName',
			handler: 'path/to/my.handler',
			events: [
					schedule: 'rate(1 hour)',
					s3: {
						bucket: 'myBucket',
						event: 's3:ObjectCreated:*',
						rules: [
							{ prefix: 'somePrefix' },
							{ suffix: 'someSuffix' }
			url: true,
			rawProperties: {
				rawProperties: 1

Environment variables (envVars)

(since 1.3.0)

Used to implement environment variables

Configuration options are the environment variables key-value object


const { helper } = require('sls-helper');

module.exports = helper({
	hooks: [
		['envVars', {
			MY_VAR: 'and the value',
			SOME_OTHER_VAR: 'and some other value'

Resource (resource)

(since 1.8.0)

Used to implement custom resources

Option Type Description Attributes Default value
name string The resource logical name Required
resource object The resource configuration object for Cloudformation Required


const { helper } = require('sls-helper');

module.exports = helper({
	hooks: [
		['resource', {
			name: 'MyQueue',
			resource: {
				Type: 'AWS::SQS::Queue',
				Properties: {
					QueueName: 'my-super-queue'


A helper framework to write your serverless application configuration file






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