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TriAxis-Games#281 A couple of the old samples but using the new code
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juaxix committed Mar 17, 2024
1 parent a6083e8 commit daed80b
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// Copyright TriAxis Games, L.L.C. & xixgames All Rights Reserved.

#include "RealtimeMeshBranchingLinesActor.h"

#include "RealtimeMeshSimple.h"

PrimaryActorTick.bCanEverTick = false;

void ARealtimeMeshBranchingLinesActor::OnGenerateMesh_Implementation()
// Initialize to a simple mesh, this behaves the most like a ProceduralMeshComponent
// Where you can set the mesh data and forget about it.
URealtimeMeshSimple* RealtimeMesh = GetRealtimeMeshComponent()->InitializeRealtimeMesh<URealtimeMeshSimple>();

// The most important part of the mesh data is the StreamSet, it contains the individual buffers,
// like position, tangents, texcoords, triangles etc.
FRealtimeMeshStreamSet StreamSet;

// For this example we'll use a helper class to build the mesh data
// You can make your own helpers or skip them and use individual TRealtimeMeshStreamBuilder,
// or skip them entirely and copy data directly into the streams
TRealtimeMeshBuilderLocal<uint16, FPackedNormal, FVector2DHalf, 1> Builder(StreamSet);

// here we go ahead and enable all the basic mesh data parts
Builder.EnableColors(); // TODO

// Poly groups allow us to easily create a single set of buffers with multiple sections by adding an index to the triangle data


// Setup the two material slots
RealtimeMesh->SetupMaterialSlot(0, "PrimaryMaterial", Material);
//RealtimeMesh->SetupMaterialSlot(1, "SecondaryMaterial");

// Now create the group key. This is a unique identifier for the section group
// A section group contains one or more sections that all share the underlying buffers
// these sections can overlap the used vertex/index ranges depending on use case.
const FRealtimeMeshSectionGroupKey GroupKey = FRealtimeMeshSectionGroupKey::Create(0, FName("TestTriangle"));

// Now create the section key, this is a unique identifier for a section within a group
// The section contains the configuration for the section, like the material slot,
// and the draw type, as well as the range of the index/vertex buffers to use to render.
// Here we're using the version to create the key based on the PolyGroup index
const FRealtimeMeshSectionKey PolyGroup0SectionKey = FRealtimeMeshSectionKey::CreateForPolyGroup(GroupKey, 0);
//const FRealtimeMeshSectionKey PolyGroup1SectionKey = FRealtimeMeshSectionKey::CreateForPolyGroup(GroupKey, 1);

// Now we create the section group, since the stream set has polygroups, this will create the sections as well
RealtimeMesh->CreateSectionGroup(GroupKey, StreamSet);

// Update the configuration of both the polygroup sections.
RealtimeMesh->UpdateSectionConfig(PolyGroup0SectionKey, FRealtimeMeshSectionConfig(ERealtimeMeshSectionDrawType::Static, 0));
//RealtimeMesh->UpdateSectionConfig(PolyGroup1SectionKey, FRealtimeMeshSectionConfig(ERealtimeMeshSectionDrawType::Static, 1));


void ARealtimeMeshBranchingLinesActor::GenerateMesh(RealtimeMesh::TRealtimeMeshBuilderLocal<uint16, FPackedNormal, FVector2DHalf, 1>& Builder)
// -------------------------------------------------------
// Setup the random number generator and create the branching structure

// -------------------------------------------------------
// Now lets loop through all the defined segments and create a cylinder for each
for (int32 i = 0; i < Segments.Num(); i++)
GenerateCylinder(Segments[i].Start, Segments[i].End, Segments[i].Width,
RadialSegmentCount, Builder, bSmoothNormals);

FVector ARealtimeMeshBranchingLinesActor::RotatePointAroundPivot(const FVector& InPoint, const FVector& InPivot, const FVector& InAngles)
FVector Direction = InPoint - InPivot; // get point direction relative to pivot
Direction = FQuat::MakeFromEuler(InAngles) * Direction; // rotate it
return Direction + InPivot; // calculate rotated point

void ARealtimeMeshBranchingLinesActor::PreCacheCrossSection()
if (LastCachedCrossSectionCount == RadialSegmentCount)

// Generate a cross-section for use in cylinder generation
const float AngleBetweenQuads = (2.0f / static_cast<float>(RadialSegmentCount)) * PI;

// Pre-calculate cross section points of a circle, two more than needed
for (int32 PointIndex = 0; PointIndex < (RadialSegmentCount + 2); PointIndex++)
const float Angle = static_cast<float>(PointIndex) * AngleBetweenQuads;
CachedCrossSectionPoints.Add(FVector(FMath::Cos(Angle), FMath::Sin(Angle), 0));

LastCachedCrossSectionCount = RadialSegmentCount;

void ARealtimeMeshBranchingLinesActor::CreateSegments()
// We create the branching structure by constantly subdividing a line between two points by creating a new point in the middle.
// We then take that point and offset it in a random direction, by a random amount defined within limits.
// Next we take both of the newly created line halves, and subdivide them the same way.
// Each new midpoint also has a chance to create a new branch
// TODO This should really be recursive
float CurrentBranchOffset = MaxBranchOffset;

if (bMaxBranchOffsetAsPercentageOfLength)
CurrentBranchOffset = (Start - End).Size() * (FMath::Clamp(MaxBranchOffset, 0.1f, 100.0f) / 100.0f);

// Pre-calc a few floats from percentages
const float ChangeOfFork = FMath::Clamp(ChanceOfForkPercentage, 0.0f, 100.0f) / 100.0f;
const float BranchOffsetReductionEachGeneration = FMath::Clamp(BranchOffsetReductionEachGenerationPercentage, 0.0f, 100.0f) / 100.0f;

// Add the first segment which is simply between the start and end points
Segments.Add(FRealtimeMeshBranchSegment(Start, End, TrunkWidth));

for (int32 iGen = 0; iGen < Iterations; iGen++)
TArray<FRealtimeMeshBranchSegment> NewGen;

for (const FRealtimeMeshBranchSegment& EachSegment : Segments)
FVector Midpoint = (EachSegment.End + EachSegment.Start) / 2;

// Offset the midpoint by a random number along the normal
const FVector Normal = FVector::CrossProduct(EachSegment.End - EachSegment.Start, OffsetDirections[RngStream.RandRange(0, 1)]).GetSafeNormal();
Midpoint += Normal * RngStream.RandRange(-CurrentBranchOffset, CurrentBranchOffset);

// Create two new segments
NewGen.Add(FRealtimeMeshBranchSegment(EachSegment.Start, Midpoint, EachSegment.Width, EachSegment.ForkGeneration));
NewGen.Add(FRealtimeMeshBranchSegment(Midpoint, EachSegment.End, EachSegment.Width, EachSegment.ForkGeneration));

// Chance of fork?
if (RngStream.FRand() > (1 - ChangeOfFork))
// TODO Normalize the direction vector and calculate a new total length and then subdiv that for X generations
const FVector Direction = Midpoint - EachSegment.Start;
const FVector SplitEnd = (Direction * RngStream.FRandRange(ForkLengthMin, ForkLengthMax)).RotateAngleAxis(RngStream.FRandRange(ForkRotationMin, ForkRotationMax), OffsetDirections[RngStream.RandRange(0, 1)]) + Midpoint;
NewGen.Add(FRealtimeMeshBranchSegment(Midpoint, SplitEnd, EachSegment.Width * WidthReductionOnFork, EachSegment.ForkGeneration + 1));

Segments = NewGen;

// Reduce the offset slightly each generation
CurrentBranchOffset = CurrentBranchOffset * BranchOffsetReductionEachGeneration;

void ARealtimeMeshBranchingLinesActor::GenerateCylinder(const FVector& StartPoint, const FVector& EndPoint, const float InWidth,
const int32 InCrossSectionCount, TRealtimeMeshBuilderLocal<uint16, FPackedNormal, FVector2DHalf, 1>& Builder,
const bool bInSmoothNormals/* = true*/)
// Make a cylinder section
const float AngleBetweenQuads = (2.0f / static_cast<float>(InCrossSectionCount)) * PI;
const float UMapPerQuad = 1.0f / static_cast<float>(InCrossSectionCount);

const FVector StartOffset = StartPoint - FVector(0, 0, 0);
const FVector Offset = EndPoint - StartPoint;

// Find angle between vectors
const FVector LineDirection = (StartPoint - EndPoint).GetSafeNormal();
const FVector RotationAngle = LineDirection.Rotation().Add(90.f, 0.f, 0.f).Euler();

// Start by building up vertices that make up the cylinder sides
for (int32 QuadIndex = 0; QuadIndex < InCrossSectionCount; QuadIndex++)
// Set up the vertices
FVector P0 = (CachedCrossSectionPoints[QuadIndex] * InWidth) + StartOffset;
P0 = RotatePointAroundPivot(P0, StartPoint, RotationAngle);
FVector P1 = CachedCrossSectionPoints[QuadIndex + 1] * InWidth + StartOffset;
P1 = RotatePointAroundPivot(P1, StartPoint, RotationAngle);
const FVector P2 = P1 + Offset;
const FVector P3 = P0 + Offset;

// Normals
const FVector NormalCurrent = FVector::CrossProduct(P0 - P3, P1 - P3).GetSafeNormal();
FVector NormalNext, NormalPrevious, AverageNormalRight, AverageNormalLeft;
if (bInSmoothNormals)
FVector P4 = (CachedCrossSectionPoints[QuadIndex + 2] * InWidth) + StartOffset;
P4 = RotatePointAroundPivot(P4, StartPoint, RotationAngle);

// p1 to p4 to p2
NormalNext = FVector::CrossProduct(P1 - P2, P4 - P2).GetSafeNormal();
AverageNormalRight = ((NormalCurrent + NormalNext) / 2).GetSafeNormal();

const float PreviousAngle = static_cast<float>(QuadIndex - 1) * AngleBetweenQuads;
FVector PMinus1 = FVector(FMath::Cos(PreviousAngle) * InWidth, FMath::Sin(PreviousAngle) * InWidth, 0.f) + StartOffset;
PMinus1 = RotatePointAroundPivot(PMinus1, StartPoint, RotationAngle);

// p0 to p3 to pMinus1
NormalPrevious = FVector::CrossProduct(P0 - PMinus1, P3 - PMinus1).GetSafeNormal();
AverageNormalLeft = ((NormalCurrent + NormalPrevious) / 2).GetSafeNormal();

// Tangents (perpendicular to the surface)
const FVector Tangent = (P0 - P1).GetSafeNormal();

// UVs
const FVector2D UV0 = FVector2D(1.0f - (UMapPerQuad * QuadIndex), 1.0f);
const FVector2D UV1 = FVector2D(1.0f - (UMapPerQuad * (QuadIndex + 1)), 1.0f);
const FVector2D UV2 = FVector2D(1.0f - (UMapPerQuad * (QuadIndex + 1)), 0.0f);
const FVector2D UV3 = FVector2D(1.0f - (UMapPerQuad * QuadIndex), 0.0f);

const int32 V0 = Builder.AddVertex(static_cast<FVector3f>(P0))
.SetNormalAndTangent(static_cast<FVector3f>(bInSmoothNormals ? AverageNormalLeft : NormalCurrent), static_cast<FVector3f>(Tangent))
const int32 V1 = Builder.AddVertex(static_cast<FVector3f>(P1))
.SetNormalAndTangent(static_cast<FVector3f>(bInSmoothNormals ? AverageNormalRight : NormalCurrent), static_cast<FVector3f>(Tangent))
const int32 V2 = Builder.AddVertex(static_cast<FVector3f>(P2))
.SetNormalAndTangent(static_cast<FVector3f>(bInSmoothNormals ? AverageNormalRight : NormalCurrent), static_cast<FVector3f>(Tangent))
const int32 V3 = Builder.AddVertex(static_cast<FVector3f>(P3))
.SetNormalAndTangent(static_cast<FVector3f>(bInSmoothNormals ? AverageNormalLeft : NormalCurrent), static_cast<FVector3f>(Tangent))

// Add our 2 triangles, placing the vertices in counter clockwise order
Builder.AddTriangle(V3, V2, V0, 0);
Builder.AddTriangle(V2, V1, V0, 0);

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