Finding Lane Lines on the Road
The goals / steps of this project are the following:
- Make a pipeline that finds lane lines on the road
- Reflect on your work in a written report
1. Describe your pipeline. As part of the description, explain how you modified the draw_lines() function.
The main part of the pipeline consisted of following steps:
- Take the image
- use opencv to create a gray scaled image
- apply gaussian smoothing on it using Gaussian Blur of opencv.
- then it uses a canny filter to detect edges in the image using the color gradient. The parameters are hardcoded.
- then the algo ignores areas which are not of interest. Mainly in the center, were the camera recorded the lane lines of our lane.
- On that image, we apply the Hough transformation to find lines. We recieve for every detected line its location.
- To decide, which lines are relevant or not relevant, only certain slopes are alowed for the left and the right lane line. Other lines are ignored.
- The slope of the relevant lines are then avaraged for the right and left side.
- Using this avaraged slope and coordinates of the detected lines, we draw the linear function on top of the image with wich we started at the beginning.
- The result is that the linear function lies mostly directly on the correctly detected line.
Using the functionality mentioned above, we apply it on video which are a collection of images.
- Hardcoded parameters are used.
- Ansatz is heuristic! No machine learning is used to fine tune the parameters.
- Calibration of camera and coordinate system of the vehicle is missing.
- Linear function is not the best model for lane lines used.
- A possible improvement would be to write better python code. Since it is my first time with python, it is acceptable.
- Devide code in more functions.
- Use classes and objects.