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mpi cluster
1. Log into the cluster
2. Install noise2void, this has become a lot easier. Type:
pip3 install --user n2v
1. load the cuda module. Type:
module load cuda/9.0.176
2. Get an interactive node. Type:
srun --exclude=r02n01 -p gpu --gres=gpu:1 --time 0-1:00:00 --mem-per-cpu 256000 --export=ALL --pty /bin/bash
3. Run the training script (here we use Romina's data):
trainN2V.py --dataPath='/lustre/projects/juglab/n2vScripts/data/Romina/' --fileName='MTfmi_25deg_181020_SD4-001-hyper.tif' --dims=TZYX --patchSizeZ=16 --batchSize=8
Tip: This will calculate for a couple of hours. If you only want to quickly try the method you can reduce computation time at the cost of reduced quality by using --stepsPerEpoch=5
The --dataPath
should point to a directory with images. With --fileName
you can choose which files you want to open as training and validation data. If you do --fileName=*.tif
, which is the default, it will use all tifs in the directory. With --dims
you have to specify the order of the dimension in your images, where --dims=ZYX
is for a single channel 3D stack.
A 2D image would be --dims=YX
, a multi channel stack --dims=ZYXC
or a multi channel image --dims=YXC
Currently time series or movies are not supported, so I cropped one frame from Rominas 4D data to make it work. This will change very soon. It is already implemented.
chooses that we want to use 2% of our patches as validation data and the rest for training.
For a quick description of the other parameters you can run python3 trainN2V.py -h
4. Run the prediction script:
predictN2V.py --dataPath='/lustre/projects/juglab/n2vScripts/data/Romina/' --fileName='MTfmi_25deg_181020_SD4-001-hyper.tif' --dims=TZYX --tile=3
The flags --dataPath
and --fileName
work as above, specifying, which images should be precessed. --dims=ZYX
is as above.
With --output=PATH
you can specify a path in which your results will be saved. The filenames will correspond to the original file names with "_N2V" concatenated.
With --tile=3
you can choose to divide your image into 3x3 tiles to make it fit into GPU memory. If it is set too small the script will try to find an appropriate tiling by itself. This can take a bit longer.
You can use predictN2V.py
without parameters to get a description of all parameters.
1. load the cuda module. Type:
module load cuda/9.0.176
2. Create a text file (name it e.g. trainn2v.sh
) that holds the command and all its parameters. To train a network as above the file should look like this:
python3 trainN2V.py --dataPath='/lustre/projects/juglab/n2vScripts/data/Romina/' --fileName='MTfmi_25deg_181020_SD4-001.tif' --dims=ZYX --validationFraction=2 --patchSizeZ=16 --batchSize=8
To submit a job for prediction you would have to change the file accordingly (see above).
Then submit the job:
sbatch -p gpu --gres=gpu:1 --time 0-0:25:00 --mem-per-cpu 256000 --export=ALL -o out.txt trainn2v.sh
With the -o
parameter you can specify the path to the log file that will be created.
The --time days-hours:minutes:seconds
param specifies how much time the job will be granted.
You can check which of your jobs are runnning by typing:
squeue -u <USERNAME>
You can cancel a job using:
scancel <JOBID>
More usefull commands can be found at: