Built with ReactJS. Live on: http://ravenousweb.surge.sh
This project is one of many built for Codecademy's course "Create a Front-end app with React".
=> CORS Anywhere is used to access data from the API. To gain temporary access to demo server you have to make a request through this link: https://cors-anywhere.herokuapp.com/corsdemo
- Pressing the enter key triggers a search
- Show a 'loading' message while waiting for results from the API
- Refresh the search when choosing a different "Sort By" option
- Refactored code to prevent searches with empty terms
- Refactored code to prevent searches that don't return any results from breaking the app.
*Note from Yelp's API: The rating sort is not strictly sorted by the rating value, but by an adjusted rating value that takes into account the number of ratings, similar to a Bayesian average. This is to prevent skewing results to businesses with a single review.