Run on 1 processor
>> julia
julia>> include("examples/example1.jl")
Run on 2 processors
>> mpiexecjl --project=. -np 1 julia examples/example1.jl
This software does not use @inbound
, @fastmath
, etc. to speed up the software as it is meant as a prototyping & testing framework. After ensuring the code runs properly for you problem, these optimizations can be enabled from the command line using the flags --optimize=3 --math-mode=fast --check-bounds=no
For example,
mpiexecjl --project=. -np 1 julia --optimize=3 --math-mode=fast --check-bounds=no examples/example4_deformation.jl
also using thread based parallelism
mpiexecjl --project=. -np 4 julia --optimize=3 --math-mode=fast --check-bounds=no --threads 10 examples/example5_deformation3D.jl