This project was created with React, Redux, and the new React hooks for functional components. This project gave me a base knowledge of the core React functionalities and most popular libraries. Some things this project implements are:
- Rendering JSX and how it works behind the scenes (rather than being "syntactical sugar")
- Basic React concepts such as class based and functional components, props, and component lifecycles.
- Refactored the project to use functional components and hooks. I had originally finished this project with class based stateful components and moved to experiment with the new React hooks to use stateful functional components.
- More experience with Javascript methods such as filter, map, and reduce
- Styling with React
- Using a data store to GET and POST to (Firebase)
- Routing
- Form validation through React functionality
- Redux for state management (dispatching actions, reducers, etc.)
- More advanced Redux (middleware, asynchronous code, etc.)
Although I will continue to learn more and more about React, this project gave me a great understanding on how state management works and the different methods to achieve it.
View deployed project here:
git clone
npm install
npm start