If you want to replicate this analysis you need to do the following:
- Clone this repository
- Go to Kaggle.com and download the airbnb-listings of Berlin (The size of the required file is to large for github and therefore this is neccessery).
- Unpack the Data into the cloned reposioty on your local computer
- The directory containing the airbnb-listings HAS to be named berlin-airbnb-data
- Install the provided conda environments
- Activate the environment "airbnb" and start jupyter notebook
- Execute the Basic_Data_Exploration_Cleaning.ipynb notebook until you read "SWITCH TO LOCATION NOTEBOOK"
- Then you activate the second conda environment and open the location_attribute.ipynb in that environment
- Execute the location_attribute.ipynb (Note this is neccessary because there are some compatibility issues between the packages used for the accesibility analysis and the data exploration)
- Continue with the Basic_Data_Exploration_Cleaning.ipynb notebook
- When you are done open up Model.ipynb in the airbnb conda environment and execute
- you are done