- Consistent biweekly meetings to provide updates and new plans of work
- Pair programming
- Researching Git workflow
- Researching Model-View-Controller
- Internal meetings within front-end group and back-end group
- Creating the demo and presentation slides
- Customer Problem Statement (Report 2)
Julian Carter:
- Researching and implementing Apache Maven software architecture
- Creating Github repository
- MongoDB connection
- RecruiterController
- JobSeekerController
- Creating back-end tests
- Creating Integration Test 1
- ProfileModel
- RecruiterModel
- JobListingModel
- JobSeekerModel
- Designed and implemented the searching algorithm
- Implementation of Integration Tests
- Debugging matching (Cameron, Cameryn, Lani)
- Pair Programming with Ariel to aid implementation of the searching algorithm
Cameryn Boyd:
- Creating/maintaining MongoDB database
- Creating and maintaining ERD and persistent storage information
- Creating unit testing doc for UI (Demo 1)
- JobSeekerProfileView
- CampusView
- Implementing searching algorithm into JobSeekerHomeView
- Debugging matching (with Lani, Julain, Cameron)
- Integrating JobSeekerProfileView and JobSeekerHomeView (with Cameron)
Thulani Vereen:
- ProfileModel
- RecruiterModel
- JobListingModel
- JobSeekerModel
- RecruiterController
- JobSeekerController
- CampusModel
- CompanyModel
- Implement Matching
- Debugging Matching (Cameron, Cameryn, Julian)
- Design of Integration Test with Julian (Report 3)
- Implementation of Integration Tests
Cameron Womack:
- Updated RecruiterView
- GoogleCompanyView
- Integrating Company and Campus Views
- Integrating JobSeekerProfileView and JobSeekerHomeView
- Debugging Matching (with Cameryn, Julian, and Lani)
Ariel Turnley:
- JobSeekerHomeView
- Adding buttons that navigate to company pages
- Adding buttons that navigate to external applications
- Adding logic for viewing matched job listings on the home view
- Adding logic for searching for the home view