onkyori_*** are modules what enable cooperation with the Onkyo RI system.
This module is deprecated.
Use onkyori_listener2 instead.
The onkyori_listener is the daemon what acquires Onkyo RI signal and registers it to database.
This daemon needs onkyori_common module to operate.
- Requirements of onkyori_common
- Raspberry Pi 3 Type B
- Physical parts:
- Resistance
- 2kΩ x1
- 1kΩ x1
- Audio cable (3.5mm Mono)
- Resistance
- Python packages:
- Cython 0.28.1
- Physical parts:
- Create electronic circuit
- The Onkyo RI equipment's "RI Remote Control" jack uses the audio cable plug.
- Connect the Onkyo RI equipment ground and the Raspberry Pi ground.
- Place this repository files into Raspberry Pi
- Login to Raspberry Pi.
- Create directory: '/var/project/onkyori_listener/'
- Place this repository files to '/var/project/onkyori_listener/'.
- Add execute permission to 'index.py' and 'cython_setup.py'.
- Compile Cython scripts
- Move to '/var/project/onkyori_listener/'.
- Execute the following command to compile Cython scripts.
python3 cython_setup.py build_ext --inplace
- Install systemctl service
- Move 'onkyori_listener.service' to '/usr/lib/systemd/system/'.
- Execute the following command to reload daemons.
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
- Execute the following command to start this service.
sudo systemctl start onkyori_listener
- Execute the following command to set this service starting automatically.
sudo systemctl enable onkyori_listener