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Built with React Starter Kit, this is the Jung Digital demos site designed specifically to showcase some of the hottest visual and audio effects available on the web. It is a work in progress, and as time progresses the goal is to improve the complexity, performance, and intensity of the demos offered here.

Based on React Starter Kit:

Build Status Dependency Status Tips Gitter


Directory Layout

├── /build/                     # The folder for compiled output
├── /docs/                      # Documentation files for the project
├── /node_modules/              # 3rd-party libraries and utilities
├── /src/                       # The source code of the application
│   ├── /api/                   # REST API / Relay endpoints
│   ├── /actions/               # Action creators that allow to trigger a dispatch to stores
│   ├── /components/            # React components
│   ├── /constants/             # Constants (action types etc.)
│   ├── /content/               # Static content (plain HTML or Markdown, Jade, you name it)
│   ├── /core/                  # Core components (Flux dispatcher, base classes, utilities)
│   ├── /decorators/            # Higher-order React components
│   ├── /public/                # Static files which are copied into the /build/public folder
│   ├── /stores/                # Stores contain the application state and logic
│   ├── /templates/             # HTML templates for server-side rendering, emails etc.
│   ├── /utils/                 # Utility classes and functions
│   ├── /app.js                 # Client-side startup script
│   └── /server.js              # Server-side startup script
│── gulpfile.babel.js           # Configuration file for automated builds
│── package.json                # The list of 3rd party libraries and utilities
│── preprocessor.js             # ES6 transpiler settings for Jest
└── webpack.config.js           # Webpack configuration for bundling and optimization

How to Build

$ gulp build                    # or, `gulp build --release`

By default, it builds in debug mode. If you need to build in release mode, add --release flag. This will minimize your JavaScript; you will also see some warnings from uglify where it removes unused code from your release.

How to Run

$ gulp                          # or, `gulp --release`

This will start a lightweight development server with LiveReload and synchronized browsing across multiple devices and browsers.


The MIT License © Konstantin Tarkus (@koistya), Kriasoft


Jung Digital Demos







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