Visualize the point cloud and 3d BBox from .obj file.
cd ros_obj3d/catkin_ws
catkin build
cd ros_obj3d/catkin_ws
source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch pcl_publisher
the .obj data folder MUST be located in the ros package folder, so that they could be read as Marker
├── baseline
│ ├── n008-2018-08-30-15-31-50-0400__LIDAR_TOP__1535657531048384
│ │ ├── n008-2018-08-30-15-31-50-0400__LIDAR_TOP__1535657531048384_gt.obj
│ │ ├── n008-2018-08-30-15-31-50-0400__LIDAR_TOP__1535657531048384_points.obj
│ │ └── n008-2018-08-30-15-31-50-0400__LIDAR_TOP__1535657531048384_pred.obj
│ ├── ...
│ └── ... (the next frames)
└── ours
├── n008-2018-08-30-15-31-50-0400__LIDAR_TOP__1535657531048384
│ ├── n008-2018-08-30-15-31-50-0400__LIDAR_TOP__1535657531048384_gt.obj >>> useless
│ ├── n008-2018-08-30-15-31-50-0400__LIDAR_TOP__1535657531048384_points.obj >>> useless
│ └── n008-2018-08-30-15-31-50-0400__LIDAR_TOP__1535657531048384_pred.obj
├── ...
└── ... (the next frames)
each scene is basically divided into "ours" and "baseline"
under each of them, each frame is a folder, containing the .obj files for:
- point cloud (xxx_points.obj)
- predicted result (xxx_pred.obj)
- ground truth (xxx_gt.obj)
what are published from these .obj files:
ros topic | file |
/pcl | /baseline/<frame_id>/xxx_points.obj |
/gt_bbox | /baseline/<frame_id>/xxx_gt.obj |
/bl_bbox | /baseline/<frame_id>/xxx_pred.obj |
/ours_bbox | /ours/<frame_id>/xxx_pred.obj |