This package contains a RTSP Client libraries which is based on JRTPLIB. Under the license of Apache License V2.0.
Now, myRtspClient installation is not supported. You can only compile the library ./myRtspClient/libmyRtspClient.a. And the headers is in ./myRtspClient/include.
Compiling based on different os-platform, you NEED to configure the config. file. For example: Compiling based on x86, which configure use file 'config.linux':
$ ./genMakefiles linux
$ make
(Configure your cross compile tool in 'config.armlinux' first) Compiling based on armlinux, which configure use file 'config.armlinux':
$ ./genMakefiles armlinux
$ make
Video Codec Supported: H264
Cast Method Supported: Unicast
Ansersion [email protected]