This repository serves as the website for the book club organized PhD students at the Department of Biomedical Informatics, Columbia University Irving Medical Center.
To catalogue our notes and thoughts from reading books on topics of justice in biomedical informatics. The website can be found at this url:
- Install bookdown
- Clone the repository, open the R project, open the index.Rmd file, and press 'Knit'.
We want everyone to contribute to learning and growing in justice within informatics, but at the same time we don't want our website to crash! Please follow the following instructions:
Fork the repository to make a copy within your Github profile. The fork button is at the top right corner of this webpage.
Clone and make any revisions/contributions you may like.
Stage and commit your revisions/additions to your forked repository.
Make a pull request by clicking 'make a pull request' under the contributing button at your repository online, comment on what your pull request is and why it adds to this website, and wait for an administrator to review and possibly accept your pull request.