UINavigationController subclass that includes methods to show/hide an upload progress bar from the navigation bar.
pod 'JMUploadProgressNavigationController'
coming soon
Indicates whether or not the progress view is displayed
@property (readonly, nonatomic, getter = isShowingUploadProgressView) BOOL showingUploadProgressView;
Called when the upload is started, shows the progress view
- (void)uploadStarted;
Used to update the progress view
@param progress A number between 0 and 100 representing the progress completed
- (void)setUploadProgress:(float)progress;
Called when an upload is cancelled
- (void)uploadCancelled;
Called when an upload is resumed
- (void)uploadResumed;
Called when an upload is paused
- (void)uploadPaused;
Called when an upload fails
- (void)uploadFailed;