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Serialization of Complex Types

Janne Koschinski edited this page Mar 16, 2017 · 4 revisions

This document discusses how complex objects are translated to and from VariantMaps.

Complex Structs are (de-)serialized to and from VariantMaps. If the Complex Struct is sent/received during handshake, an additional key/value pair "MsgType" is added, which contains the name of the complexStruct’s type – for example "ClientInitAck" as String16

complexStruct ClientInitAck

Field Type Description
Configured bool Is set, if the core has at least one account and a storage backend is selected
LoginEnabled bool Specifies if clients can authenticate against the core
CoreFeatures uint8 An int specifying the features the core supports
StorageBackends VariantList<StorageBackend> A VariantList of StorageBackends, see below

complexStruct ClientInitAck.StorageBackend

Field Type Description
DisplayName string16 The name of the storage backend
Description string16 A user-readable description
SetupKeys StringList A list of keys that need to be set to configure the backend
SetupDefaults VariantMap The default values for each key

complexStruct CoreSetupData

Field Type Description
SetupData SetupData The setup data

complexStruct SetupData

Field Type Description
AdminUser string16 The username of the new user
AdminPasswd string16 The password of the new user
Backend string16 The DisplayName of the selected backend.
ConnectionProperties VariantMap The connection settings for the selected backend. The types of each value have to match the type of the default value

complexStruct CoreSetupReject

Field Type Description
Error string16 The error message that will be displayed to the user as reason why configuring was not possible

complexStruct CoreSetupAck

This type contains no fields.

complexStruct Network::Server

Warning: This type has, when serialized, QVariantType "Network::Server" (which is a usertype), but actually is just a variantmap for the following complex type:

Field Type Description
UseSSL bool --
sslVersion int32 --
Host string16 --
Port int32 --
Password string16 --
UseProxy bool --
ProxyType int32 --
ProxyHost string16 --
ProxyPort int32 --
ProxyUser string16 --
ProxyPass string16 --

complexStruct SessionState

Field Type Description
Identities VariantList<Identity> --
BufferInfos VariantList<BufferInfo> --
NetworkIds VariantList<NetworkId> --

complexStruct Identity

Warning: This type has, when serialized, QVariantType "Network::Server" (which is a usertype), but actually is just a variantmap for the following complex type:

Field Type Description
identityId IdentityId --
identityName string16 --
realName string16 --
nicks StringList --
awayNick string16 --
awayNickEnabled bool --
awayReason string16 --
awayReasonEnabled bool --
autoAwayEnabled bool --
autoAwayTime int32 --
autoAwayReason string16 --
autoAwayReasonEnabled bool --
detachAwayEnabled bool --
detachAwayReason string16 --
detachAwayReasonEnabled bool --
ident string16 --
kickReason string16 --
partReason string16 --
quitReason string16 --

complexStruct AliasManager

Field Type Description
names StringList --
expansions StringList --

complexStruct BufferSyncer

Field Type Description
LastSeenMsg VariantList<Integer> --
MarkerLines VariantList<Integer> --

complexStruct BufferViewConfig

Field Type Description
bufferViewName string16 --
TemporarilyRemovedBuffers List<Integer> --
hideInactiveNetworks bool --
BufferList List<Integer> --
allowedBufferTypes int32 --
sortAlphabetically bool --
disableDecoration bool --
addNewBuffersAutomatically bool --
networkId int32 --
minimumActivity int32 --
hideInactiveBuffers bool --
RemovedBuffers VariantList<Integer> --

complexStruct BufferViewManager

Field Type Description
BufferViewIds VariantList<Integer> --

complexStruct IgnoreListManager

Field Type Description
scope VariantList<Integer> --
ignoreType VariantList<Integer> --
isActive VariantList<Boolean> --
scopeRule StringList --
isRegEx VariantList<Boolean> --
strictness VariantList<Integer> --
ignoreRule StringList --

complexStruct IrcChannel

Field Type Description
name string16 --
topic string16 --
password string16 --
UserModes VariantMap --
ChanModes VariantMap --
encrypted bool --

complexStruct IrcUser

Field Type Description
server string16 --
ircOperator string16 --
away bool --
lastAwayMessage int32 --
idleTime DateTime --
whoisServiceReply string16 --
suserHost string16 --
nick string16 --
realName string16 --
awayMessage string16 --
loginTime DateTime --
encrypted bool --
channels StringList --
host string16 --
userModes string16 --
user string16 --

complexStruct NetworkConfig

Field Type Description
standardCtcp bool --
autoWhoEnabled bool --
autoWhoDelay int32 --
autoWhoNickLimit int32 --
autoWhoInterval int32 --
pingTimeoutEnabled bool --
pingInterval int32 --
maxPingCount int32 --

complexStruct NetworkInfo

Field Type Description
networkName string16 --
identityId int32 --
codecForServer string16 --
codecForEncoding string16 --
codecForDecoding string16 --
ServerList VariantList<NetworkServer> --
useRandomServer bool --
perform StringList --
useAutoIdentify bool --
autoIdentifyService string16 --
autoIdentifyPassword string16 --
useSasl bool --
saslAccount string16 --
saslPassword string16 --
useAutoReconnect bool --
autoReconnectInterval int32 --
autoReconnectRetries int16 --
unlimitedReconnectRetries bool --
rejoinChannels bool --

complexStruct Network

Field Type Description
IrcUsersAndChannels IrcUsersAndChannels --
Supports VariantMap --
connectionState int32 --
currentServer string16 --
isConnected bool --
latency int32 --
myNick string16 --
-- NetworkInfo More about this below

The NetworkInfo data here isn’t an actual field – it’s serialized into the same map as the network itself. Therefore we have to apply the NetworkInfoSerializer to the same map to which we applied the NetworkSerializer before.