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Storybook Boilerplate

Live demo

Storybook NodeJS Webpack React ESLint Jest Mocha Chai Material-UI

At the heart of this project the desire to collect the best practices of application development via React-Storybook environment. This project is transparent and friendly for developers. You do not need to eject anything. Therefore you can easily add your own configuration and extend it using any packages.

It contains the fully-charged setup of the Storybook with pre-installed plugins, configuration, quick examples, and tips. Inspired by Create React App and React CDK.



We mark with Milestone icon features that not implemented yet. See our further plans in the roadmap section.



Milestone Add support for Storybook 3 features

Milestone Add Styled Components support

Milestone Deploy your App to GitHub Pages

Milestone storybook-addon-comments - allows you to add comments for your stories

Milestone storybook-addon-options - set configure the Storybook UI

Milestone Short tutorial for using this tools

Milestone Suggest your feature which you'd like to see here!


Quick start

Install the project

tip: you can skip this step if you only want to look at this project. Just open live demo page and continue from here

git clone
cd storybook-boilerplate
npm i
npm start

Open http://localhost:9001/ in your browser.

You will see the demo page provided by React Storybook.

Press Ctrl-Shft-F to exit from Full screen mode.

Two panel will appear. You will see the list of stories at the left panel and the bottom panel for working with themes.

Let's select another theme for this page. Do it via drop-down list at the bottom panel. Out of the box there are three themes: 'Light', 'Dark' and 'Gray'. Check out them.

Note the text field with the full theme data. You can change any property and instantly see how the result will affect the appearance of the page. But the best way to edit theme is to use Theme Editor.

Click to Show Theme Editor. It'll open a panel with a list of all theme props at the right. Click to any colored box in this list to open the color picker tool, for example on textColor. Now you can move your mouse over the color swatches and see how the color of text is changing.

When you feel enough to edit your theme, you can save it for future use. Press to create a JSON file with your theme. Put it to src/themes/ folder in your project to include it to your theme list automatically. Note: you don't need to restart your app after adding a new theme-file to this folder, just refresh your browser. Roadmap: we are working to eliminate even this need to refresh the page after adding a file.

Okay, now let's look at the panel on the left. In fact, our application consists of two components: src/Header.jsx and src/Intro.jsx. Selecting the appropriate items in the left-side list you switch to an isolated view of the component. It's how React Storybook works - allows you 'step-by-step' to create and works with React components. You can improve the quality of development by applying different addons to Storybook. Most of them is already pre-installed in this project. You will find excellent documentation and examples on the React Storybook website.


All scripts are avalible via npm run <script_name>. Mostly executable scripts are located in the '.scripts' folder of your project. In oder to keep it "transparent and friendly" we display a full CLI command which will be executed.

You can list all scripts by npm run

`npm lint` - lints your code within `src` folder
`npm lintfix` - tries to fix linting errors

This project uses ESLint with the Airbnb style guide. It has some minor overrides as well. I'll find all ESLint settings in .eslintrc file located in the root of your project.

This linting scripts will check your code in *.js and *.jsx files within the src folder.

If your IDE supports the linting settings from .eslintrc you'll be able to see same issues bouth from IDE and CLI.

Note: Some files in src use the comments to suppress linting errors. It's up to you to continue using them or remove and change code style appropriately.


Publish to NPM
`npm publish` - publish your code to NPM

The publish script first transpille your code to ES5 and put it to dist folder, which is cleared before each transpillation.

This project uses Babel for transpilling your code with following presets:

be careful with stage-0 features because they are far from the final stage!

It's setted up to transpille all *.js and *.jsx files in your src folder, exept test and stories folders and *.story.jsx files.

You'll find your transpillation settings in the .babelrc file located in the root of your project.

In some cases you need only transpille your code, not publish. So use npm run prepublish and get you ES5 code in the dist folder.

Transplling your code to ES5 helps to use it in any other projects without warring about babel settings of these projects.

Note: you need to set at least your own name and version in package.json before publishing. You might want to set other fields as well.


Deploy Storybook
`npm run deploy` - deploys your storybook to Github Pages

Now it supports only Github Pages.

This script uses your git remote origin url to get your repo. You can check it out by git remote get-url origin.

Note if you get this project by git clone command, you need to remove current git settings and add your own repo. If you've already created your Github repo you could setup git this way:

rm -rf .git
git init
git remote add origin

You'll find your repo's adress pressing Clone or download button at your github repo page.


`npm run testonly` - runs mocha tests
`npm run test-watch` - runs tests continuously

It will find tests folder within src and run them once.

Note: we have a svg file imported in <Header /> component. This script is setted up to ignore images with such extensions.

npm run test-watch - starts to monitor changes in your js, jsx and json files


`npm run status` - displays summary information about NPM package, linting errors and mocha tests


We'll appreciate any help, ideas, issues and feedback!


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