The core of this web app is a famous DP (dynamic programming) problem.
Languages and Frameworks used:
HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript
Bootstrap 3.3.7, AngularJS 1.5.5
14:00 03/09/2017 : spent 2 hours during the lunch break today to implement the bulk of this program.
20:00 03/09/2017 : added form validation for both coin value and total value.
13:00 03/11/2017 : added more form validation and exception handling. Now it prevents users from entering duplicate coin values
20:00 03/11/2017 : added mobile-first and responsive design, as well as styling
20:00 03/13/2017 : refined responsive design, fixed a small bug that prevents proper display of the "notification"
16:00 03/22/2017 : Minor functional updates and small tweaking in UI, Added ng-material for prompt dialog, removed redundant declaration and file import in css and html
refined mobile-first and responsive design
If you have any questions during this development period, please email me at [email protected]