This is a local development environment that I use for the purposes of building and running applications on different operating systems. For now, this will just be a convenient way to spin up an docker enabled environment on the off-chance that an application needs to be run on an operating system where installing native docker isn't trivial.
- Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS
- Docker CE
- Docker Compose
- nsenter
This may work on other versions, but these are the specific versions I am using and have tested
- Install Vagrant v.1.9.7
- Virtualbox v.5.1.24
- You should install the vb-guest plugin to ensure that shared folders work properly:
vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest
vagrant up
- Optional: to validate that everything is working:
vagrant ssh
sudo docker run hello-world
sudo docker-compose --version
- You can easily enter running docker containers by using
docker-enter <container_name>
At some point I will include a description on how to install and run docker images using this environment.