Buggy Buggies is a meta-game where you navigate a virtual dune-buggy to avoid traps and collect more coins than your opponents. Your tools to accomplish this task include the following apis:
- GET /api/host/<handle>
- GET /api/game/<game_id>/join/<handle>
- GET /api/game/<game_id>/player/<secret>/move/<N|E|S|W>
- GET /api/game/<game_id>/player/<secret>/info
The meta-game is how to use these APIs to write a bot to play Buggy Buggies.
GET /api/host/:handle // create game and join
GET /api/host/:handle/map/:name // create game with named map and join
GET /api/game/:game_id/join/:handle // join game
GET /api/game/:game_id/player/:secret/info // get game state
GET /api/game/:game_id/player/:secret/move/:direction // move buggy 1 square
GET /api/game/:game_id/player/:secret/reset // resets all players' positions and purses
GET /api/game/:game_id/player/:secret/kick/:handle // kicks player out of game
Install Elixir: https://elixir-lang.org/install.html
mix deps.get
mix compile
mix start
SANDBOX=true mix start # run with rate limiting turned off