Oktane is a high performance, highly configurable Java command framework used to map strings to methods, and execute them. It is built upon the Reactor framework to allow easy integration with reactive projects, such as Discord4J.
Inspired by Qmmands.
Guides can be found on the Wiki, Javadocs on gh-pages, example usage can be seen in the OktaneExample module, and an example using Discord4J and Spring here.
Context Creation
Your command context is a standard pojo used to pass contextual data into your commands. BeanProvider
is a service container with the interface providing a default implementations.
public class OktaneCommandContext extends CommandContext {
private final String user;
public OktaneCommandContext(String user, BeanProvider beanProvider) {
this.user = user;
public String user() {
return user;
Module Creation
To define a class as a module the class just needs to extend ModuleBase<T>
The @Aliases
annotation is used to force an annotation processor to run.
Methods that are public and return CommandResult
or Mono<CommandResult>
are designated as commands.
When a class extends ModuleBase<T>
a class will be generated that corresponds to each command method which will be used to invoke the commands at runtime,
this approach means that there is no overhead vs a direct method call,
if the module is not annotated then reflection will be used to invoke the methods (this is some magnitudes slower).
The Aliases
annotation tells the CommandHandler
what strings to map to this method.
public class OktaneCommandModule extends ModuleBase<OktaneCommandContext> {
@Aliases({"echo", "e"})
public CommandResult pingPong(@Remainder String input) {
return message(context().user() + " said: " + input);
@Aliases({"ping", "p"})
public Mono<CommandResult> ping() {
return sendWebRequest()
.map(statusCode -> message("Got response: " + statusCode));
CommandHandler Creation
The command handler is your interface for interacting with your commands.
public CommandHandler<OktaneCommandContext> commandHandler() {
return CommandHandler.<OktaneCommandContext>builder()
Command Invocation
To invoke a command you simply call to call excute
on the command handler, pass it your command context, and the string input to parse.
OktaneCommandContext context = new OktaneCommandContext("Kieran", BeanProvider.get());
Mono<Result> result = commandHandlder.execute("echo Oktane is really cool :)", context);
.subscribe(message -> System.out.println(message));
Granular Configuration
Modules and commands can be configured a fair amount.
@Name("My Module") // Can be used in help displays, all the modules and commands can be accessed via
// CommandHandler#modules, and CommandHandler#commands
@Description("This is a command module") // Can be used in help displays
@Aliases({"a", "b"}) // commands inside a group must have the group prefix to execute, e.g. "a echo"
@Singleton // Makes the module a singleton (transient by default)
@Synchronised // Makes it so that all commands in the module are synchronised on a shared lock
public class OktaneCommandModule extends ModuleBase<OktaneCommandContext> {
@Name("Echo Command") // Can be used in help displays
@Description("Echos input") // Can be used in help displays
@Aliases({"echo", "e"}) // Defines the different aliases that can invoke the command
@Synchronised // Makes it so that the command is locally synchronised (public CommandResult synchronised ...)
public CommandResult pingPong(
@Name("User Input") // Can be used in help displays
@Description("The input to echo") // Can be used in help displays
@Remainder // Denotes the parameter as a remainder, so all the remaining text left to parse
// will be passed into this parameter. There can only be one remainder, and it
// must be the last parameter
String input) {
return message(context().user() + " said: " + input);
Type Parsing
Oktane supports parsing all the primitive types, see PrimitiveTypeParserFactory
, and allowing a user to define their own.
Type parsers are added during the CommandHandler
building stage using the withTypeParser
public class UserTypeParser implements TypeParser<User> {
public Mono<TypeParserResult<T>> parse(CommandContext context, Command command, String input) {
return context.beanProvider().get(UserService.class)
.switchOnEmpty(failure("Failed to parse %s as a valid user", input).mono());
Dependency Injection
Beans can be injected into module using the BeanProvider
, any constructor arguments will be passed into the module on instantiation, the CommandHandler
will inject itself and does not need to be added to a provider.
public class OktaneCommandModule extends ModuleBase<OktaneCommandContext> {
private final CommandHandler<OktaneCommandContext> commandHandler;
private final UserService userService;
public OktaneCommandModule(
CommandHandler<OktaneCommandContext> commandHandler,
UserService userService) {
this.commandHandler = commandHandler;
this.userService = userService;
@Aliases({"commands", "c"})
public CommandResult commandCount() {
return message("There are " + commandHandler.commands().count() + " commands");
public Mono<CommandResult> listUsers() {
return userService.getAll()
.map(users -> message(users));