This repo is for learning RL basics. I intend to keep things simple, for example:
- Focus on simple gym environment
- Minimum dependencies and avoid advanced implementations in pytorch
- Only use implementation tricks that are necessary to make things work
- Tensorization as much as possible, e.g. episode masks to handle variable sequence length
- A2C
- A2C suffers from instability issues. A few helpful tricks:
- advantage normalization
- use a learning schedule
- gradient norm clipping
- carefully tune learning rate and other parameters
- PPO makes training much more stable. See A2C and PPO (both using GAE with same lambda to calculate advantages) comparison on CartPole-V1 (experimented using 8181d9f ):
- There are other approaches (not implemented in this repo), e.g. A3C, SAC to make actor critic method more stable.
- Reinforcement Learning materials: