Feel free to reach out if you have any queries,concerns, or feature requests
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Follow k0rdent on Twitter @k0rdent.
Subscribe to the k0rdent YouTube channel for regular videos, updates & meeting recordings.
k0rdent community meetings happenon every 3rd Thursday of the month at 8AM Pacific/ 10 AM Central/ 4:00 PM GMT /5:00 PM CET /9.30 PM IST. The community meetings will involve discussing community updates, sharing updates on new features/releases, technical and non-technical contributions to k0rdent, and user stories of k0rdent. Maintainers, present contributors and community members are invited to participate in the k0rdent community meetings to build the project together.
Fill out the [k0rdent Meetings invite form] to get your Calendar invite!
The k0rdent community slack is located in the CNCF Slack workspace where all the conversations around community contributions, feedback, queries, blockers and community participation is discussed. To join the community slack, join the CNCF Slack and then join the #kordent slack channel.