This module aims at implementing the k-truss graph of words method in order to extract keywords from a website page. It implements several algorithms presented in the following links: and
Once we get the text data from the website page, several steps are required to do a proper preprocessing of the textual data:
- Webscrapping de la page Web depuis son url
- Detect the language used in the text
- Remove stop words with a language associated list of stop words
- Remove ponctuation
- Make everything lowercase
- Tokenize the text into sentences and words
- Stemming and/or lemmatization
- Postagging: adj, noun, verb
- Density calculation
- Elbow function
- Build inputs for the graph construction (dictionnary of the edges)
- Build the unweighted graph G
- Build the K-truss subgraphs
- Optimize by density and elbow method to get the optimal number of keywords
By default, the number of keywords, the URL and the log level must be given. You can configure an environment file at the root containing these values, such as:
Then build the docker image at the root directory (that we call "kw-extractor" here): docker image build -t kw-extractor .
Run your container by injecting the environment file (for example called ".kw_env"): docker run --env-file=.kw_env kw-extractor
Pay attention ! So far the solution is implemented only for web pages in English, French or Spanish.