Thanks for volunteering to .
To formally request to be a co-organizer, open an issue at with the option "Chapter Organizer Request".
For the Name of chapter inquiring about
, put Kubernetes Austin
Send a headsup email to [email protected]
with the issue number.
Add person to:
- Part of maillist [email protected]
- Our bi-weekly meeting invite
- Admin of
- Part of Slack private channel CNCF
- Ask to follow public channels CNCF
and Kubernetes#meetup-austin
- As organizer on Sessionize: platform to accept talks
- As organizer on Austin CNCF Bevy: official platform for events
- As organizer on legacy Kubernetes meetup page: because we still have 1,300+ members, we still divulge from this platform, always pointing back to Bevy
- Owner of linkedIn page: edits, see stats, etc
- Access to buffer with our shared login: create posts accross all social media
- Access to Canva, adding as part of the KubeSkills group: creating art for the events and posts
- Editor of our google drive
- Introductory email to Capital Factory team if necessary