This is kaalam, the authors of the Jazz platform.
Our Twitter account is @kaalam_ai
Our website is
Our soon to be released Jazz 1.25 released the first stable version of Bebop that generates and runs onnx code.
A new paper on from the team was presented a ICAIF, Brooklyn, New York, November 2024.
- This is the paper.
A new paper summarizing the whole vision was presented in AAAI Spring Symposium EDGeS 2023 in April 23.
The main project is Jazz, to build lifelong learning systems in C++.
Jazz is a lightweight AI platform.
The final goal is generating code automatically leveraging on human-written code. We have a proof of concept.
The science making this possible is Formal Fields.
An easier introduction can be found in slides.
The whole PoC implementation in Python applied to the ARC challenge can be found in JazzARC
- The presentation poster
- Docker and Python packages instructions
The Tangle 0.6.1 Big update including Wikipedia update to 2022/12/31 Same usage procedure Jazz TNG 0.5.3
The Tangle 0.5.3 The first version of "The Tangle: A Connected Dataset of English Grammar and Curated Text" on Jazz TNG 0.5.3
Jazz 0.5.2 - Some API enhancements to simplify usage.
Jazz 0.5.1 - The first complete Jazz platform with every Block type, Container, communication channel and server 100% complete.
Building a community! We need help.
Releasing Jazz 0.6.1. The first C++ implementation of Formal Fields
Combining multiple Formal Fields in a lifelong learning system. (PoC and paper in preparation)