Class definition
availlable in the SDK , which can be returned by functions or used internally will be dicussed in the later part
Class Name | Purpose |
Config | Hold all the config of project such as API Endpoints and . Also store username of shop as static member which is used by another functions |
AuthenticateUser | It has the functions to handle the OTP verification and generate auth token / generate Customer Object [GLOBAL] |
Customer | This consists all the information of the customer. This call include functions for update details / fetch all orders / get a particular order details / checkout [CUSTOMER] |
Product | All details of an product |
ProductCategory | All detaiks of a product category. It has function to fetch all the products under the category |
OrderStatus | It has two members : status_code, datetime [ORDER] |
Transaction | Holds all information for a transaction , related to order [ORDER] |
PromoCode | Holds promocode details that has been applied for order [ORDER] |
HomeDelivery | Hold home delivery related details for order details [ORDER] |
SelfPickup | Hold self pickup mode delivery related details for order details [ORDER] |
TableOrder | Hold table order related details for order details [ORDER] |
AdvancedTableOrder | Hold advanced table order related details for order details [ORDER] |
Order | Hold details of order [ORDER] |
ShopProfile | Hold information like owner's name, shop name and logo [SHOP] |
ShopContact | Email Id, Mobile number of shop and also have information whether email id and mobile number verified or not [SHOP] |
ShopAddress | Hold address of shop [SHOP] |
ShopAccount | Hold details whether user in on free_account mode , also have template name and configuration of the template [SHOP] |
PaymentMode | Hold pod and online params which indicate that payment mode is available or not. It is used by another class . No direct iimplementation.[SHOP] |
HomeDeliveryConfig | Hold home delivery related details for order details [SHOP] |
SelfPicupConfig | Hold self pickup mode delivery related details for order details [SHOP] |
TableOrderConfig | Hold table order related details for order details [SHOP] |
AdvancedTableOrderConfig | Hold advanced table order related details for order details [SHOP] |
ShopDays | Store information in which days shop will be opened for taking orders [SHOP] |
ShopConfig | Store information of shop like , shop is force closed or not , opening time, closing time, working days, delivery & payment configurations [SHOP] |
ShopPromoCode | Holds information for promo code available to apply . It holds the code, discount details and its description [SHOP] |
Shop | Main Class which hold all the details related to a shop. [SHOP] |
Install by npm
npm install [email protected]:GiantsMeet/quikshope_client.git
If you are not using any frontend framework or nodejs , then prefer to use the below method to import library.
To install directly in HTML, use the cdn link provided below
<script srdc=""></script>
In case of NodeJS / Frontend framework , the standard ES5 & ES6 import strategy will work
// For type "module"
const client = require("quikshope_client")
// For type "commonjs"
import client from "quikshope_client"
// For HTML javascript
let client = QuikShopeClient;
For initialization, the username of the shop needed , that can be found in dashboard of seller
Process flow for authentication
- Create object of AuthenticateUser
- Send OTP
- Verify OTP [If failed, resent OTP]
- Generate Auth Token or Generate Customer Object
The 10 digit phone number of customer without country code need to be pass as arguments.
Note : If the customer has not any account, account will be created , there is no need to check existance of customer account
const auth = new client.authenticate("9999999999")
await auth.sendOtp()
In return , we will receive a list of two items in the below format
[success (boolean), message(string)]
If success is true that's indicate OTP has been sent , in same way we will get message which can be shown to the user
await auth.sendOtp()
In return , we will receive a list of two items in the below format
[success (boolean), message(string)]
If success is true that's indicate OTP has been sent , in same way we will get message which can be shown to the user
await auth.resendOtp()
In return , we will receive a list of two items in the below format
[success (boolean), message(string)]
If success is true that's indicate OTP has been resent , in same way we will get message which can be shown to the user
It takes 6 digit otp as parameter
await auth.verifyOtp("111111")
In return , we will receive a list of two items in the below format
[success (boolean), message(string)]
If success is true that's indicate OTP has been verified so that we can proceed for generate auth token or customer object , in same way we will get message which can be shown to the user
await auth.generateToken()
In return , we will receive a list of two items in the below format
[success (boolean), message(string), token(string)]
If success is true that's indicate user has been verified through otp verification and received auth token , in same way we will get message which can be shown to the user. the 3rd parmeter we will receive the Auth Token
There is various method to store the token in clientside
- Cookie
- LocalStorage
- IndexedDB
await auth.generateTokenAndCustomerDetils()
In return , we will receive a list of two items in the below format
[success (boolean), message(string), customer(Customer Object)]
If success is true that's indicate user has been verified through otp verification and received customer object , in same way we will get message which can be shown to the user. If success is false then the customer [3rd parameter] will be null
The members of teh customer object
- id
- name
- phone_no
- address
- pincode
- country
- country_code
- token
To initialize a customer object , the authentication token of the customer needed which have been discussed in Authenticate User section
const customer = new client.customer("authentication token")
await customer.fetchDetails()
In return , we will receive a list of two items in the below format
[success (boolean), message(string)]
If success is true that's indicate that customer details has been fetch successfully , in same way we will get message which can be shown to the user.
To get the customer details in JSON format,
Note that, Mobile number of customer is not allowed. Only change of name, address, pincode is allowed
// all 3 parameters are required
await customer.updateDetails("Tanmoy", "Kolkata", 700032)
In return , we will receive a list of two items in the below format
[success (boolean), message(string)]
If success is true that's indicating that customer details has been updated successfully , in same way we will get message which can be shown to the user.
await customer.fetchAllOrders()
In return , we will receive a list of three items in the below format
[success (boolean), message(string), List<Order>]
Pass order id as argument
await customer.getOrderById(1)
In return , we will receive a list of three items in the below format
[success (boolean), message(string), Order]
For checkout we need to collect the checkout details
- Instance of Shop
- Products cart map [Preferred format below]
// Schema
"<product_id>" : quantity
// Example
"1": 1,
"2": 8,
"6": 5
- Promo code
- Delivery mode [home_delivery, self_pickup, table_order, advanced_table_order]
- Payment mode [pod or online]
- Table Id [Required for tale_order / advanced_table_order]
- Table Time Slot [Required for advanced_table_order]
- Table Order Date [Required for advanced_table_order]
await customer.checkout(shop, {
"1": 1,
"2": 8,
"6": 5
}, "YTUI", "home_delivery", "online", "" , "", "")
In return , we will receive a list of three items in the below format
[success (boolean), message(string), data(JSON)]
In JSON response, online_payment_redirection
is true
, then redirect user to redirection_link
for payment. If online_payment_redirection
is false
, then either redirect user to redirection_link
as default order confirmation page or fetch order details by order_id
and show custom UI
Data members
- id
- category_id
- title
- images [List of images in multiple sizes and format]
- price
- discounted_price
- dicount_percentage
- description
- in_stock
- is_pinned
Data members
- id
- picture
- title
- fetchProducts : Will fetch all the product under this category
await category.fetchProducts()
In return we will get
[status(boolean), message(string), List<Product>]
Data members
- products [List]
- promo_code [null or Instance of PromoCode]
- latest_status [Instance of OrderStatus]
- all_statues [List]
- address [String]
- pincode [String]
- country [String]
- country_code [String]
- home_delivery_charge
- home_delivery_details [Instance of HomeDelivery]
- self_pickup_details [Instance of SelfPickup]
- table_order_details [Instance of TableOrder]
- advanced_table_order_details [Instance of AdvancedTableOrder]
await client.inventory.FetchAllCategroies()
In return
[status(boolean), message(string), List<ProductCategory>]
await client.inventory.GetCategoryById("category_id")
In return
[status(boolean), message(string), ProductCategory]
await client.inventory.FetchAllProducts()
In return
[status(boolean), message(string), List<ProductCategory>, List<Product>]
await client.inventory.FetchAllProducts()
In return
[status(boolean), message(string), Product]
await client.inventory.SearchProducts("boat headphone")
In return
[status(boolean), message(string), List<ProductCategory>, List<Product>]
await client.inventory.SearchProductsByIdsList([1,2,3])
In return
[status(boolean), message(string), List<ProductCategory>, List<Product>]
Data Members
- profile [Instance of ShopProfile]
- contact_information [Instance of ShopContact]
- address [Instance of ShopAddress]
- account_details [Instance of ShopAccount]
- config [Instance of ShopConfig]
- promo_codes [List]
: This will load all the information regarding that shop.
const shop = new
console.log(await shop.fetch_details())
In return
[status(boolean), message(string)]