This app, developed using Angular, Ionic, C#, and SQL, is designed for supermarket enthusiasts. It allows users to explore, remember, and rate supermarkets they visit.
I developed it for me and my girlfriend, because we love to visit supermarkets.
You can find the deployed app here.
The app's UI was designed using Figma. You can find the prototype here.
- feel free to create pull requests, if you want to contribute
- Running the App:
A link to the deployed application will be provided once it's available.
- Features:
- [✔] Login
- [✔] Registration
- [✔] Supermarket Logging
- [✔] Finding address of current coordinates
- [✔] Photo Uploads
- [✔] From Camera
- [✔] From Gallery
- [✔] Adding a review
- [✔] Viewing ratings
- [✔] Adding ratings
- [✔] Uplading a profile picture
- [✔] Deploy the app to Azure and add a link here
- Add a map view of supermarkets.
Maybe one day: [ ] create a copy of this repository for rating and gathering recipes - or generalize it, so that anything can be rated