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rsoeldner committed Dec 13, 2023
1 parent 532f308 commit 0f74d8a
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Showing 2 changed files with 70 additions and 20 deletions.
68 changes: 55 additions & 13 deletions pact-core-tests/Pact/Core/Test/PersistenceTests.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ import Pact.Core.Names (Field(..), FullyQualifiedName, RowKey(..), TableName(..)
import Pact.Core.Guards (KeySet(KeySet), KeySetName(..), PublicKeyText(..), KSPredicate(KeysAll))
import Pact.Core.Gen.Serialise (keySetGen, keySetNameGen, moduleNameGen, moduleDataGen, builtinGen
,defPactIdGen, defPactExecGen, namespaceNameGen, namespaceGen)
import Pact.Core.Serialise (PactSerialise, serialisePact)
import Pact.Core.Serialise (PactSerialise(..), serialisePact)
import qualified Pact.Core.PactValue as PactValue
import Pact.Core.Persistence.SQLite
import Pact.Core.Persistence (WriteType(Insert), readKeySet, writeKeySet, writeModule, readModule
Expand All @@ -26,8 +26,15 @@ import Pact.Core.Persistence (WriteType(Insert), readKeySet, writeKeySet, writeM
, RowData(..)
, WriteType(Insert, Update, Write)
import Data.Foldable (forM_)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Pact.Core.Repl.Compile
import Pact.Core.Repl.Utils
import Pact.Core.Environment
import Pact.Core.Persistence.MockPersistence
import Data.Default
import Data.IORef
import Pact.Core.Builtin

testsWithSerial :: (Show b, Show i, Eq b, Eq i) => PactSerialise b i -> Gen b -> Gen i -> [TestTree]
testsWithSerial serial b i =
Expand All @@ -38,8 +45,9 @@ testsWithSerial serial b i =

tests :: TestTree
tests = testGroup "Persistence Roundtrip"
[ testGroup "CBOR encoding/decoding" $ testsWithSerial serialisePact builtinGen (pure ())
tests = testGroup "Persistence"
[ testGroup "CBOR encoding/decoding roundtrip" $ testsWithSerial serialisePact builtinGen (pure ())
, sqliteRegression

readExistingDb :: FilePath -> IO ()
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -115,34 +123,68 @@ namespaceRoundtrip serial = property $ do
sqliteRegression :: TestTree
sqliteRegression =
testCase "sqlite persistence backend produces expected values/txlogs" $
withSqlitePactDb serialisePact "tmp.sqlite" $ \pdb -> do
withSqlitePactDb serialisePact ":memory:" $ \pdb -> do
user1 = "user1"
usert = TableName user1 (ModuleName "someModule" Nothing)
txId1 <- _pdbBeginTx pdb Transactional
_txId1 <- _pdbBeginTx pdb Transactional
_pdbCreateUserTable pdb usert

txs1 <- _pdbCommitTx pdb
assertEqual "output of commit" txs1 [ TxLog "SYS:usertables" "user1" "TODO" ]
-- TODO:
assertEqual "output of commit" txs1 [ TxLog "SYS:usertables" "user1" mempty ]

-- Begin tx
_ <- _pdbBeginTx pdb Transactional
let row = RowData $ Map.fromList [(Field "gah", PactValue.PDecimal 123.454345)]
row = RowData $ Map.fromList [(Field "gah", PactValue.PDecimal 123.454345)]
rowEnc = _encodeRowData serialisePact row
_pdbWrite pdb Insert (DUserTables usert) (RowKey "key1") row
Just row' <- _pdbRead pdb (DUserTables usert) (RowKey "key1")
assertEqual "row should be identical to its saved/recalled value" row row'

let row2 = RowData $ Map.fromList
[(Field "gah", PactValue.PBool False)
,(Field "fh", PactValue.PInteger 1)
row2 = RowData $ Map.fromList
[ (Field "gah", PactValue.PBool False)
, (Field "fh", PactValue.PInteger 1)
row2Enc = _encodeRowData serialisePact row2

_pdbWrite pdb Update (DUserTables usert) (RowKey "key1") row2
Just row2' <- _pdbRead pdb (DUserTables usert) (RowKey "key1")
assertEqual "user update should overwrite with new value" row2 row2'

let ks = KeySet (Set.fromList [PublicKeyText "skdjhfskj"]) KeysAll
ks = KeySet (Set.fromList [PublicKeyText "skdjhfskj"]) KeysAll
ksEnc = _encodeKeySet serialisePact ks
_ <- _pdbWrite pdb Write DKeySets (KeySetName "ks1" Nothing) ks
Just ks' <- _pdbRead pdb DKeySets (KeySetName "ks1" Nothing)
assertEqual "keyset should be equal after storage/retrieval" ks ks'

-- module
_md <- loadModule

txs2 <- _pdbCommitTx pdb
assertEqual "output of commit" txs2
[ TxLog "SYS:KeySets" "ks1" ksEnc
-- TxLog Module
, TxLog "user1" "key1" row2Enc
, TxLog "user1" "key1" rowEnc

return ()
loadModule = do
let src = "(module test G (defcap G () true) (defun f (a: integer) 1))"
pdb <- mockPactDb serialiseRepl
g <- newIORef mempty
evalLog <- newIORef Nothing
let ee = defaultEvalEnv pdb replRawBuiltinMap
ref <- newIORef (ReplState mempty pdb def ee g evalLog (SourceCode "" "") Nothing)
Right _ <- runReplT ref (interpretReplProgram (SourceCode "test" src) (const (pure ())))
Just md <- readModule pdb (ModuleName "test" Nothing)
pure md

22 changes: 15 additions & 7 deletions pact-core/Pact/Core/Persistence/SQLite.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -84,18 +84,18 @@ getTxLog serial db currTxId txLog tab txId = do
then do
txLog' <- readIORef txLog
userTabLogs = filter (\tl -> toUserTable tab == _txDomain tl) txLog'
userTabLogs = filter (\tl -> _tableName tab == _txDomain tl) txLog'
env :: Maybe [TxLog RowData] = traverse (traverse (fmap (view document) . _decodeRowData serial)) userTabLogs
case env of
Nothing -> fail "undexpected decoding error"
Just xs -> pure $ reverse xs
Just xs -> pure xs
else withStmt db ("SELECT rowkey,rowdata FROM \"" <> toUserTable tab <> "\" WHERE txid = ?") $ \stmt -> do
let TxId i = txId
SQL.bind stmt [SQL.SQLInteger $ fromIntegral i]
txLogBS <- collect stmt []
case traverse (traverse (fmap (view document) . _decodeRowData serial)) txLogBS of
Nothing -> fail "unexpected decoding error"
Just txl -> pure $ reverse txl
Just txl -> pure txl
collect stmt acc = SQL.step stmt >>= \case
SQL.Done -> pure acc
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -158,8 +158,16 @@ rollbackTx db txLog = do
writeIORef txLog []

createUserTable :: SQL.Database -> IORef [TxLog ByteString] -> TableName -> IO ()
createUserTable db _txLog tbl = SQL.exec db ("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS " <> tblName <> " (txid UNSIGNED BIG INT, rowkey TEXT, rowdata BLOB, UNIQUE (txid, rowkey))")
createUserTable db txLog tbl = do
SQL.exec db stmt
modifyIORef' txLog (TxLog "SYS:usertables" (_tableName tbl) mempty :)

stmt = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS " <> tblName <> " \
\ rowkey TEXT, \
\ rowdata BLOB, \
\ UNIQUE (txid, rowkey))"
tblName = "\"" <> toUserTable tbl <> "\""

Expand All @@ -183,7 +191,7 @@ write' serial db txId txLog wt domain k v =
TxId i <- readIORef txId
SQL.bind stmt [SQL.SQLInteger (fromIntegral i), SQL.SQLText k', SQL.SQLBlob encoded]
SQL.stepNoCB stmt >>= \case
SQL.Done -> modifyIORef' txLog (TxLog (toUserTable tbl) k' encoded:)
SQL.Done -> modifyIORef' txLog (TxLog (_tableName tbl) k' encoded:)
SQL.Row -> fail "invariant viaolation"

Just old -> do
Expand All @@ -198,15 +206,15 @@ write' serial db txId txLog wt domain k v =
TxId i <- readIORef txId
SQL.bind stmt [SQL.SQLInteger (fromIntegral i), SQL.SQLText k', SQL.SQLBlob encoded]
SQL.stepNoCB stmt >>= \case
SQL.Done -> modifyIORef' txLog (TxLog (toUserTable tbl) k' encoded:)
SQL.Done -> modifyIORef' txLog (TxLog (_tableName tbl) k' encoded:)
SQL.Row -> fail "invariant viaolation"

DKeySets -> withStmt db "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO \"SYS:kEYSETS\" (txid, rowkey, rowdata) VALUES (?,?,?)" $ \stmt -> do
let encoded = _encodeKeySet serial v
TxId i <- readIORef txId
SQL.bind stmt [SQL.SQLInteger (fromIntegral i), SQL.SQLText (renderKeySetName k), SQL.SQLBlob encoded]
SQL.stepNoCB stmt >>= \case
SQL.Done -> modifyIORef' txLog (TxLog "SYS:KEYSETS" (renderKeySetName k) encoded:)
SQL.Done -> modifyIORef' txLog (TxLog "SYS:KeySets" (renderKeySetName k) encoded:)
SQL.Row -> fail "invariant violation"

DModules -> withStmt db "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO \"SYS:MODULES\" (txid, rowkey, rowdata) VALUES (?,?,?)" $ \stmt -> do
Expand Down

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