- Redis
- RabbitMQ
- Python 2.7
- Tkinter
- PyGame
- Establishment of sql connection + created basic structure of DB + created models for DB (server)
- register_nickname. If nickname doesn't exist, register it in DB (server)
- create_new_map (server)
- make_hit, but need addition notification for injured ships (server)
- save user nickname locally (client)
- Create OOP structure (client)
- Create Async MQ consumer (via Threads with separate connection)
- Notify admin about joining a new player (server)
- Join existing game (client, server)
- make a shot simple functionality (client, server)
- added parser for server name (server)
- server was rewritten in OOP way
- deleted unnecessary table "invitations" (models, sql)
- add table "server" (db)
- add new server name in db or get existing server_id (server, models)
- rewrite queries with server_id (client, server)
- rewrite queries with chosen server_id (client)
- request to get list of available servers (servers online. function available_servers) from Redis (client)
- delete msg about presence in "servers_online" when server goes off-line in Redis (server)
- possibility to use non-default arguments for Redis, RabbitMQ (client, server)
- added check on accessibility of DB (server)
- added try/except on server to close RabbitMQ connection and delete server presence from Redis
- place player ships randomly (server + on client: command, parse response)
- saved placed ships in DB
- form to create a nickname (GUI)
- list of servers online (GUI)
- fixed bug with putting server name into Redis
- now server_id and server_name are stored as hash map in Redis instead of list as it was earlier
- add check if someone stayed in this region, if yes hit = 1, otherwise hit = 0 (in make_hit function) (server)
- if ship sank, send notification to him
- list of maps done
- notify next player if hit = 0
- form to create a new field + size of field (GUI)
- create random ships locations on the map (GUI)
- show the map of ships location for player (GUI)
- spectator mode (GUI)
- remove double-click (as triger) on the same coordinate on the field that user can click only once on one coordinate (GUI)
- Remove glitch with window freezeing while waiting for the response (Maybe through using separate Thread for GUI) (GUI)
- notification.SAVE_PLAYER_ID
- notification.GAME_STARTED
- notification.YOU_ARE_KICKED
- notification.YOUR_TURN_TO_MOVE
- notification.GAME_FINISHED
- if ship sank, send notification to damaged player
- notify next player about his turn
- check whether ship is completely sank, then send argument "completely_sank" to player who made shot
- notify next player if hit = 0
- added formula for limit exceeding
- check on limit exceeding while connecting to the map
- kick player
- add check on spectator mode while joining to game (server, gui)
- mark player that goes into spectator mode (in spectator_mode method. On server)
- add check that there should be at least 2 people on the map before the game can start (start_game method on server)
- send notification when another player disconnected
- restart_game (server, gui)
- change admin when admin quitted
- update turn in DB when admin quitted
- assign new admin when admin quitted
- send notification about game end (when 1 player quitted, and 1 player left)
- send notification about quit of some player to other players on this map
- delete quitted player_name from players list (gui)
- Add notification to other players that this player was kicked (server)
- clean all files