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cd /xdisk/bhurwitz/mig2020/rsgrps/bhurwitz/kai/planet-microbe-functional-annotation/
submit the main snakemake job which will submit other jobs
sh submit_snakemake.sh
// New version submisson Can change JOBNAME
for batches.
For run_snakemake.sh
// Modify the -j
job number for number of snakejobs. Note I have slighly modified this to be on windfall
Make sure to clean out
and err
squeue -u kblumberg
scancel job_ID_number
scancel -u kblumberg
//cancel all my jobs
// shows allocation remaining on HPC.
shows quota for group
du -sh kai/
size of directory
scp [email protected]:/xdisk/bhurwitz/mig2020/rsgrps/bhurwitz/kai/planet-microbe-functional-annotation/bash/check_qc.sh .
modify the cluster.yml and config.yml files
add out
and err
Change run_snakemake.sh
pm_env to snakemake
and path for cd to my version.
copied matt's verison's bowtie.simg
to my singlarity
bowtie index folder is in: /xdisk/bhurwitz/mig2020/rsgrps/bhurwitz/planet-microbe-functional-annotation/data copy that into my version of the git repo so that the whole thing is portable
has the wall time for the interpro server this was only at 12 hence why thing were failing. Matt will make some fixes and I'll reclone the repo and start it again. Making sure that jobs are finishing correctly. I can also use elgato windfall to potentially get lots of nodes.
#SBATCH --account=bhurwitz
#SBATCH --partition=standard
#SBATCH --partition=windfall
in results/completed/
rm */step_05_chunk_reads/ -r
rm */step_06_get_orfs/ -r
standard command to get irods started doesn't work on my head node but does in interactive
Command to copy files over from cyverse to my data directory.
iget -PT /iplant/home/shared/planetmicrobe/sra/SRR4831663.fastq.gz /xdisk/bhurwitz/mig2020/rsgrps/bhurwitz/kai/planet-microbe-functional-annotation/data
sbatch run_snakemake.sh
//submission for old single-threaded version
//old sbatch submit_snakemake.sh
//submission for old multi-threaded version
- Check the slurm output file and see which rule crashed
- Check the error file and see if there's useful information about the crash
- Check the log file (found at e.g. results/SRR4831664/step_01_trimming/log) for specific information about the running of that step's executable.
source ~/.bashrc
conda env create -f kraken2.yml
conda env create -f bracken.yml
conda env create -f pm_env.yml // this failed make a new pm_env.yml with snakemake
# steps to create pm_env again do this in interactive
conda create -n pm_env
conda activate pm_env
conda install -n base -c conda-forge mamba
mamba create -c conda-forge -c bioconda -n snakemake snakemake
conda install -n base -c conda-forge mamba
install mamba to install snakemake
mamba create -c conda-forge -c bioconda -n snakemake snakemake
install snakemake this made a new conda environment called snakemake
conda install -c conda-forge biopython
added bioptyon
conda install -c anaconda java-1.7.0-openjdk-cos6-x86_64
also added java from here and here. this didn't stay after loging back in didn't get added to PATH? Try conda install -c conda-forge openjdk
from here
interpro docs https://interproscan-docs.readthedocs.io/en/latest/UserDocs.html bash script
/groups/bhurwitz/tools/interproscan-5.46-81.0/interproscan.sh -appl Pfam -i results/SRR4831664/step_05_chunk_reads/SRR4831664_trimmed_qcd_frags_2047.faa -b results/SRR4831664/step_06_get_orfs/SRR4831664_trimmed_qcd_frags_2047_interpro -goterms -iprlookup -dra -cpu 4
after installing java 11 this works but I'm still getting the log for step 6 saying
Java version 11 is required to run InterProScan. Detected version 1.8.0_292 Please install the correct version.
Changed the Snakemake interproscan rule to activate the snakemake conda env
In the directory job_runs/snakefile_versions
we have the files regular_Snakefile
to do step 7 and Snakefile_upto_step4
to do until step 4.
From /xdisk/bhurwitz/mig2020/rsgrps/bhurwitz/kai/planet-microbe-functional-annotation
cp job_runs/snakefile_versions/Snakefile_upto_step4 Snakefile
cp job_runs/snakefile_versions/regular_Snakefile Snakefile
When running the Snakefile_upto_step4
make sure to up the time to 48 hours in run_snakemake.sh
and back to 24 to do the regular_Snakefile
. Same with the cluster.yml
ran 23 samples (1 done in previous testing) for 48 hours all but 3 finished. (Some were <1G). Not using the multi threaded version.
ran 24 samples for nearly 48 hours snakejob ended but not all finished. The log file said the job had timed out and there were jobs remaining but no snakemake job. So I canceled the snakejobs and resubmitted. Not using the multi threaded version.
First job ran the smallest 24 samples. First time with shell parameter mistake.
when testing the multi threaded version a single job submission sent out (at least at the time I captured it) 117 of the multi threaded ips_0 nodes doing the interproscan step. Didn't have the interproscan working again because I pulled Matt's version of the Snakemakefile without the following shell parameters, which I added back in and re-ran the job for rule run_pipeline
. Might need to also add it to rule interproscan
bash -c '
. $HOME/.bashrc
conda activate snakemake