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January 2020
Notes from Data Supp Webinar, Ontologies and Snags: OBO principles, Protege Pizza ontology reasoning example, OWL exercises also talks about the pizza example
From Elisha: metadata/ontology documentation write ups from our NMDC ontology workshop Docs: Intro to Metadata and Ontology
Planet Microbe:
Tara and Tara Arctic, add Carbonate resources to DP's (to get pH don't add other new terms)
List of new DP to go through:
1- HOT Delong Time-series
2- Amazon continuum
3- C-DEBI mid-range (On hold for now but you can start looking at the terms when you have time)
4- Deep Sediment trap (waiting on Edd Delong)
Doing HOT_DeLong_Timedepth_series
DP have the following ontology tsv remaining to finish: samples_CTD-BCO-DMO (DONE), samples_niskin_BCO-DMO (DONE), Samples_NCBI, samples_paper
1:1 Bonnie
OSM poster session is till 7pm Wednesday. book flights: to arrive at 9 Sunday, leave Thursday. Use pcard for flight but not for not hotel. Separate reimbursement form for travel which will cover hotel. Travel Expense Report form. Get adobe acrobat and use for official forms. Should have free access.
Send out doodle poll Try for Monday 10th Tuesday 11th afternoon Friday 7th. Committee meeting.
For first committee meeting have a tentative timeline in the presentation. Higher level material. Basic description of the chapters, what's in the proposal more like an outline. This is the stuff in progress, tentative timeline for proposal, once finished comps exam here tentative papers and their finishing dates. Aim and sub-aims. Run presentation by Bonnie week ahead. Keep overall introduction, overall aims, subaims, wrapup with timeline. Mention that I'm finishing coursework this semester table with courses and grades.
Try for march 30 - 17 april for oral.
According to http://hahana.soest.hawaii.edu/hot/hot-dogs/bextraction.html hot's chl
is Fluorometric Chlorophyll a
HPLC Chlorophyll c1+c2+c3
is chlplus
as far as I can tell this only shows up in the HOT-Delong timeseries but if we wanted to really delve into the semantics of chlorophyll concentrations could make everything like chl c1, chlc2 chlc3, chl c total which would have the axioms of all three could be an interesting example of querying but maybe not necessary I think CHEBI is missing some chl c variants but an idea if needed later. HPLC Chlorophyll a
is hplc
. HPLC Divinyl Chlorophyll a
is dvchla
. Prochlorococcus
is pbact
. Synechococcus
is sbact
. Eukaryotes
is ebact
HPLC Prasinoxanthin
is prasino
which corresponds to Prasinoxanthin_median
in Tara. could maybe add this?
HPLC Diadinoxanthin
is diadino
in HOT corresponds to Diadinoxanthin_median
in Tara
Probably a few more of these. For now just add ones I have envo purls for already in tara pangaea hplc DPs to searchable. same with Phaeophytin
and Chlorophyll c3
I think.
PProd: Light-12
is l12
Here is the BCO-DMO link for the CDEBI dataset: https://www.bco-dmo.org/project/635868
The attributes described in BCO-DMO are indeed concentrations --> see the parameter description in https://www.bco-dmo.org/dataset/660489
https://www.thoughtco.com/molarity-and-molality-differences-606117 lol
CCA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HLMRA54W4LU, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5HFhUPeqsV4
scaling type 1 where the samples sit with respect to the sample variables
scaling type 2 shows where the species are
For the US2ST presentation have a future directions slide about how their are tons of projects which could be harmonized by these concentration of terms. BCO-DMO, ESS-DIVE, DATA ONE, MIxS standard,NERC vocab, SWEET, The Australian GOV concentrations thing from Simon, see the envo issue. Perhaps find some database about water qualities/ecotoxicology (arsenic in drinking water or groundwater etc), Could make the title something like: Toward Semantic Harmonization of Environmental Qualities and Concentrations
or similar.
It would be really cool to have an example of querying for envo concentration of terms that are relevant to the nitrogen or phosphorus cycle. query subclasses of nitrogen containing element (or similar in chebi) then using that list of subclasses feed those into the concentration of pattern's CHEBI term and get the results, should get concentration of nitrate, nitrite, nitrate and nitrite, ammonium, urea in liquid water back.
Dependent variables, when you get O2 measurments we need a reference temperature.
Challenges for modelers different missing metadata vaules (just as important as units) want things coming in the same way
Water quality session, many talks about ecosystem restoration. Measuring many of the semantics in the scope of PM: nitrate nitrite, chl a, turbidity NTU. They also measured things like PFAS, ibuprofen, glyphosate. CHEBI has CHEBI:27744 - glyphosate and CHEBI:5855 - ibuprofen, so could make envo concentration of terms for these. PFBS dominant PFAS coumpound (in Galveston bay ecotox study). PFOS, and other emerging contaminants. was a NIEHS superfund research grant, like Ramona's superfund grant perhaps?