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A small library for converting between case classes.


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Henkan [変換]

A small library to experiment generic functional programming with kittens, shapeless and cats.

Contributors and participation

henkan is currently maintained by Kailuo Wang.

The henkan project supports the Typelevel code of conduct and wants all of its channels (Gitter, GitHub, etc.) to be welcoming environments for everyone.


henkan is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.



Transform between case classes, which minimize the need to manually using constructor to transform information from one case class to another.


  1. quick transformation when the source case class has all the fields the target case class has: e.g.[B]()

  2. supplement (if source case class doesn't have a field) or override field values. e.g.[B].set(foo = "bar")

  3. use the default values of the target case classes if needed


Transform between a runtime data type and a case class. Usually this type of transformation is done either manually or through some macro generated transformers. Using shapeless can achieve this as well, henkan is providing a generic transformer library on top of shapeless, which minimizes the boilerplate needed. However this part is also experimental and, as of now, limited than the macro solution.


  1. transform any runtime data type to an arbitrary Monad of taget case class - you just need to provide some FieldReaders that can read primitive values out of the runtime data type given a field name.

  2. supports default value.

  3. support recursive case classes, i.e. case class that has case class fields.

Known issues for this feature


Building blocks for generic function compositions.


Conversion between case classes with optional fields and case class with required fields. One of the use cases for such conversions is conversion between scalaPB generated classes where most fields are Options and internal case classes where you have required fields.

Get started

 resolvers += Resolver.bintrayRepo("kailuowang", "maven")

 libraryDependencies += "com.kailuowang" %% "henkan-extract" % "0.2.1"

 libraryDependencies += "com.kailuowang" %% "henkan-k" % "0.2.1"

 libraryDependencies += "com.kailuowang" %% "henkan-covert" % "0.2.1"

 libraryDependencies += "com.kailuowang" %% "henkan-optional" % "0.2.1"


Transform between case classes

import java.time.LocalDate

case class Employee(name: String, address: String, dateOfBirth: LocalDate, salary: Double = 50000d)

case class UnionMember(name: String, address: String, dateOfBirth: LocalDate)

val employee = Employee("George", "123 E 86 St", LocalDate.of(1963, 3, 12), 54000)

val unionMember = UnionMember("Micheal", "41 Dunwoody St", LocalDate.of(1994, 7, 29))

Now use the henkan magic to transform between UnionMember and Employee

import henkan.convert.Syntax._
// import henkan.convert.Syntax._[UnionMember]()
// res4: UnionMember = UnionMember(George,123 E 86 St,1963-03-12)[Employee]()
// res5: Employee = Employee(Micheal,41 Dunwoody St,1994-07-29,50000.0)[Employee].set(salary = 60000.0)
// res6: Employee = Employee(Micheal,41 Dunwoody St,1994-07-29,60000.0)

Missing fields will fail the compilation

case class People(name: String, address: String)
// defined class People

val people = People("John", "49 Wall St.")
// people: People = People(John,49 Wall St.)
scala>[Employee]() //missing DoB
<console>:20: error: 
    You have not provided enough arguments to convert from People to Employee.
    shapeless.HNil[Employee]() //missing DoB

Wrong argument types will fail the compilation

scala>[Employee].set(salary = 60) //salary was input as Int rather than Double
<console>:20: error: One or more fields in shapeless.::[shapeless.labelled.FieldType[shapeless.tag.@@[Symbol,String("salary")],Int],shapeless.HNil] is not in Employee
error after rewriting to henkan.convert.Syntax.convert[UnionMember](unionMember).to[Employee].set.applyDynamicNamed("apply")(scala.Tuple2("salary", 60))
possible cause: maybe a wrong Dynamic method signature?[Employee].set(salary = 60) //salary was input as Int rather than Double

Transform between runtime data types and case class

Suppose you have some case classes

case class MyClass(foo: String, bar: Int)

case class MyParent(foo1: String, child: MyClass)

And you want to transform them from a Map[String, Any]

val data = Map[String, Any]("foo1"  "parent", "child"  Map[String, Any]("foo"  "a", "bar"  2))

Then first lets write some primitive readers. Note that it 's you that dictate the source type Map[String, Any] and High kinded container type Option

import cats.implicits._
import scala.util.Try
import henkan.extractor._

def safeCast[T](t: Any): Option[T] = Try(t.asInstanceOf[T]).toOption

def myFieldReader[T] = FieldReader { (m: Map[String, Any], field: String) 
implicit val fint = myFieldReader[Int]
implicit val fString = myFieldReader[String]
implicit val fMap = myFieldReader[Map[String, Any]] // need this to recursively extract case classes

Now you can extract any case classes with String or Int fields from the Map[String, Any] data

extract[Option, MyParent](data)
// res3: Option[MyParent] = Some(MyParent(parent,MyClass(a,2)))

Transform between case classes with optional field

cats.optional provides some facility to transform between case classes with optional fields and ones with required fields. Suppose you have two case classes: Message whose fields are optional and Domain whose fields are required

case class Message(a: Option[String], b: Option[Int])
case class Domain(a: String, b: Int)

You can validate an instance of Message to a Validated Domain

import cats.implicits._
import henkan.optional.all._
validate(Message(Some("a"), Some(2))).to[Domain]
// res0: henkan.optional.ValidateFromOptional.Result[Domain] = Valid(Domain(a,2))

validate(Message(Some("a"), None)).to[Domain]
// res1: henkan.optional.ValidateFromOptional.Result[Domain] = Invalid(NonEmptyList(RequiredFieldMissing(b)))

The compilation will fail if the from case class doesn't have all fields the target case class needs

case class MessageWithMissingField(a: Option[String])
scala> validate(MessageWithMissingField(Some("a"))).to[Domain]
<console>:24: error: Cannot build validate function from MessageWithMissingField to Domain, possibly due to missing fields in MessageWithMissingField or missing cats instances (`Traverse` instances are needed to convert fields in containers)

You can convert in the opposite direction as well

from(Domain("a", 2)).toOptional[Message]
// res4: Message = Message(Some(a),Some(2))

Note that if you from case class does not have all the fields the target class has, they will be set as None

case class DomainWithMissingField(a: String)
scala> from(DomainWithMissingField("a")).toOptional[Message]
res5: Message = Message(Some(a),None)

henkan.optional supports nested case classes as well.

Note that if you are converting scalaPB generated case class, it generates Seq for repeated items, although the underlying implementation is actually List. henkan.optional.all has a Traverse instance for Seq but only works fine when the underlying implementation is either a List or Vector

Other examples can be found in examples including a typesafe config transformer