Make artifact name unique #376
1 error
Build the docker image
buildx failed with: ERROR: failed to solve: process "/bin/sh -c zypper in --force-resolution -y bash-completion conntrack-tools cryptsetup coreutils curl device-mapper dhcp-client dosfstools dracut e2fsprogs fail2ban findutils gawk growpart gptfdisk haveged htop iproute2 iptables iputils issue-generator jq less logrotate lsscsi lvm2 mdadm multipath-tools nano nfs-utils nohang open-iscsi openssh open-vm-tools parted pigz policycoreutils polkit procps rsync shim squashfs strace sudo systemd systemd-network tar timezone tmux vim which tpm2* && zypper cc" did not complete successfully: exit code: 134