This is my submission for the Data-Centric challenge
1- Create conda environment conda create -n wakevision python=3.9
conda activate wakevision
pip install fiftyone
# create a 'dataset' folder and download the needed chunks of data from
# [link](
# In my example I dowloaded wake-vision-10 (~7GB) + wake_vision_train_large.csv
# Change column name in the .csv file to 'filepath'
2 - Create A FiftyOne Dataset from the csv data and assign ground_truth label field to each sample.
# python3
import fiftyone as fo
wake_vision = fo.Dataset.from_dir(data_path="data", labels_path="data/wake_vision_train_large.csv", dataset_type=fo.types.CSVDataset, skip_missing_media=True, progress=True, include_all_data=True, persistent=True)
# Create a Label Field for Ground Truth
# Images with no GT are given a sample tag 'no_label'
with fo.ProgressBar() as pb:
for sample in pb(wake_vision):
if sample.person:
if int(sample.person)==1:
sample["ground_truth"] = fo.Classification(label="person")
elif int(sample.person)==0:
sample["ground_truth"] = fo.Classification(label="background")
session = fo.launch_app(wake_vision)
3- Data & Metadata 3-1. Compute embeddings with Mobilenet & Visualization 3-2. Compute Similiarity 3-2. Model predictions: 3-2.1 MCUNet-VWW model predictions 3-2.2 YOLO, Mobilenet, CLIP, Dino..
4- Data Exploration 4-1. Look for wrong Ground_truth & Fix it with CVAT 4-2. Look through unlabeled data and Select Data to be labeled (Based on Uniqueness, model error, etc..)