A tool for stripping metadata from PE images.
This project uses only the Windows Native API. All of the stripped metadata will be set to zero - that means your file size and structure will remain the same. Strips metadata like .pdb
paths, compiler, linker or debug information. Also strips unused data by the Windows Loader like timestamps, section names, descriptive flags and more.
Download the latest release from the releases page.
Usage: pe-wipe <filename> [options]
-v Display verbose processing information.
-cs Generate PE checksum.
-rich Wipe Rich header.
-coff Wipe COFF header.
-opt Wipe Optional header.
-sec Wipe Section header(s).
-exp Wipe Export directory.
-res Wipe Resource directory.
-dbg Wipe Debug directory.
-cfg Wipe LoadConfig directory.
-fopt-lv Keep Optional header linker version.
-fsec-n Keep Section header(s) name(s).
-fsec-f Keep Section header(s) descriptive flags.
-fts Keep all timestamp fields.
-fv Keep all version fields.
Both x86 and x64 builds support PE32/PE32+ binaries.