The Automation scripts in this project are developed using the Cucumber (v 3.x.x) BDD framework with Java as programming language. It generates Extent HTML, Simple HTML and JSON reports as well.
- JDK 1.8+ (make sure Java class path is set)
- Maven (make sure .m2 class path is set)
- Eclipse
- Eclipse Plugins for
- Maven
- Cucumber
- Browser driver (make sure you have your desired browser drivers in
folder under project directory). Currently this repository has below drivers:- Gecko driver version - 0.27.0, compatible with Mozilla Firefox version ≥79.
- Chrome driver version - 84.0.4147.30, compatible with Chrome version 84
- Clone the Repo
- Install dependencies
mvn install
- To run the test on Chrome Browser, run
mvn test -PCardPaymentTest -DbrowserName.USER="chrome"
- To run the test on FireFox Browser, run
mvn test -PCardPaymentTest -DbrowserName.USER="firefox"
Generates HTML report at project directory path: /target/executionReport/finalExtentReport.html
Generates HTML report at project directory path: /target/executionReport/cucumber/index.html
Generates HTML report at project directory path: /target/executionReport/cucumber.json