In detail document:
Before we start setup first we need to make sure
- 1)that the computer you are on has a supported GPU
- 2)To check the GPU model in a lab computer, open the NVIDIA Control Panel. The GPU model is shown on the initial screen
Setup on Windows
- Make sure you are running Windows 7/8/10 and that your NVIDIA drivers are up-to-date
- Install Visual Studio 2015
- You need C++ support. None of the optional components are necessary. Install CUDA 7. CUDA 7.5 is recommended for its new performance profiling tools. However, 7.0 is fine
- Use the Express installation. If using Custom, make sure you select Nsight for Visual Studio.
- Download the VS 2015 project from github and click on Bitonic.vcxproj to open it in VS 2015.
- Run the code to get Analysis which looks like below:
N time over time over is sorted? speedup
serial code Bitonic CUDA code
4 0.00000 0.00000 YES 0.000000
8 0.00000 0.00000 YES 0.000000
16 0.00000 0.00000 YES 0.000000
32 0.00000 0.00000 YES 0.000000
64 0.00000 0.00000 YES 0.000000
128 0.00000 0.00100 YES 0.000000
256 0.00000 0.00000 YES 0.000000
512 0.00000 0.00100 YES 1.000000
1024 0.00100 0.00100 YES 0.999999
2048 0.00100 0.00100 YES 0.999999
4096 0.00300 0.00100 YES 2.999997
8192 0.00700 0.00300 YES 2.333333
16384 0.01300 0.00400 YES 3.249999
32768 0.02700 0.00900 YES 3.000000
65536 0.04400 0.01700 YES 2.588235
131072 0.10400 0.03900 YES 2.666667
262144 0.18100 0.08400 YES 2.154762
524288 0.35000 0.17400 YES 2.011494
Parallel Computing kalyan 140001011
Optimized Bitonic Sort on Graphic Processor
Sorting is a popular Computer Science topic which receives much attention. Many sequential sorts take O(NlogN) time to sort N keys. Bitonic sort is based on repeatedly merging two bitonic sequences to form a larger bitonic sequence and takes only O(Nlog2N) time steps.
Our objective here is to implement the bitonic sorting network in a Graphical processing Unit and analysing its performance when compared to a sequential sorting method.
Bitonic Sequence
A bitonic sequence is a sequence with x0 ≤ . . . ≤ xk ≥ . . . xn-1 for some k, 0≤kcapture.png sorting network for n numbers consists lg stages, where i-th stage composed increasing and decreasing merges 2i. each node identified by three integers the stage, column inside row node. will see how use this structure our cuda code. looks like this: here four stages having variable (#columns="stage" no.) no. columns. 2 comparisons. need processors to run algorithm parallely. merge sort (array) build 4 i.e., small way array splits into double size. every step doubles. if for log2(n) times becomes 2n with its pivot end array, values from beginning are order, sorted.
if figure (to right), merging (with center) needs steps. divided half length finally gets sorted graphics processor
gpu parallel processor, their highly makes them more efficient general-purpose cpus algorithms processing large blocks data done parallel. gpu's contains multiprocessors m cores each. same processor share instruction they simd nvidia (compute unified device architecture) language developed general purpose computing. have deal both host memory (primary memory) (gpu's memory). has own thread layout be defined programmer. threads organised these form grid. block executed multiprocessor. only kernel functions gpu. implementation let us say index starting 0 2-1. actually problem easily implemented recursively, but not method, instead mapping (optimized )where map what g and t let's index, then g positions m1 m2 : m1="map" m2="map" + (2(t - 1)) where 1)))*(2t) (index % 1))) dir=" (map" (2g)) dir defines bigger value after swapping since code it function, mentioned below:
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