I built this project to experience the popular pathfinding algorithms and visualize them in action.
See it in action: https://kamalbennani.github.io/pathfinder-visualization/
This application supports the following algorithms:
Dijkstra's Algorithm: the father of pathfinding algorithms; guarantees the shortest path
A Search:* arguably the best pathfinding algorithm; uses heuristics to guarantee the shortest path much faster than Dijkstra's Algorithm
Greedy Best-first Search: a faster, more heuristic-heavy version of A*; does not guarantee the shortest path
Breath-first Search: a great algorithm; guarantees the shortest path
Depth-first Search: a very bad algorithm for pathfinding; does not guarantee the shortest path
This project was built using the following technologies:
- react and styled-components for User Interface and Interactions
- mobx and mobx-state-tree for State Management
- create-react-app for bootstrapping the application