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Raspberry Pi

Arash Abadpour edited this page Dec 18, 2022 · 19 revisions
  1. Download the image:

  2. Open Raspberry Pi Imager and select Operating System -> Use custom and select the image. Then press Shift+Ctrl+X to open Advanced options, select Set hostname, and enter a unique host name. Now select Enable SSH and Set password for the pi user to abcli2025 and press Save. Proceed to write the SD Card.

  3. After the write is complete, reinsert the SD card, if necessary, and run abcli wifi copy_to_sd_card. Then, eject the SD card, insert it into the Raspberry Pi, turn the motherboard on, and wait for the motherboard to boot.

  4. Headless: run abcli ssh rpi <host-name>. Then, run abcli seed headless_rpi clipboard in another terminal and paste it into the ssh window.

  5. With UI: Insert a seed usb key, open a terminal, and run bash /media/pi/SEED/abcli/

  6. With UI: Run sudo nano /boot/config.txt and uncomment the line that reads #hdmi_force_hotplug=1, if it exists. If you wish to rotate the screen, add one of the following to the end of this file and then reboot:

  1. Headless: Run sudo raspi-config -> Interfacing Options -> enable Camera and other interfaces as needed, then go to System Options -> Boot / Auto Login and select Console Autologin.

  2. With UI: go to Preferences -> Raspberry Pi Configuration -> Interfaces and change the following to Enabled: Camera:, I2C, and SSH, as needed.

Known issue: on rpi4b headless install raises ERROR: Wheel 'tensorflow' located at /home/pi/tensorflow-2.2.0-cp37-cp37m-linux_armv7l.whl is invalid.

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